The Weather in English
In English, we usually use it is when we talk about the weather.
This is normally: It is + adjective OR It is + verb-ing
It is + adjective = A description of the weather
It is sunny today.
It's hot and humid today.
It's a nice day today.
We can also say:
It is a + adjective + day (or morning/afternoon/night)
It's a fine day.
It's a windy afternoon.
It is + verb-ing = This type of weather is happening now.
It's drizzling outside.
It's snowing.
Take an umbrella, it's raining.
You can also use it is in different tenses
It was cold yesterday.
It will be cloudy tomorrow.
When you are learning vocabulary about the weather, it is important to remember that some of the words have a noun form, a verb form and/or an adjective form. For example:
Rain: (noun) The game was cancelled because of the rain.
Rain: (verb) I think it is going to rain later.
Rainy: (adjective) It's a rainy day.
It pays to learn the different forms of each word and when they are used.
ответ:вообще то все делятся, а вот на целые числа или дробные.. Я так поняла на целые.И да,вам нужно на бумажке в столбик решить?
Пошаговое объяснение: 164 на 3 ровно не делится
642:3= 214
7 322 217:3= 2 440 739
Последнее не делится(можно по последней цифре или двум определить),например,если вам нужно было бы без расчетов, то в примере b) последние две цифры 42, что делится на 3 немного проще чем 642. Если 42 делится, тр и все число делится. Также и в c). Последняя цифра 9,что легко делится на 3, следовательно целое число получим.