с инглишем
Пошаговое объяснение:
Составьте предложения в действительном (активном) залоге, чтобы
выяснить, кто выполнил эти действия. Обратите внимание на образец.
Все вопросы должны начинаться с вопросительного слова Кто (Who),
а глаголы должны стоять в форме Past Simple.
Read the sentences about some actions and write questions to find out who did them.
1. I was invited to the party.
Who invited you?
2. I was given a present.
3. I was told to come to school on Sunday.
4. The advertisement was written yesterday. .
5. The tickets to the theatre were collected from the teacher two days ago.
6. The participants of the Olympiad were given stipends for studying in different universities.
2)16:4=4(см)-сторона квадрата