андрея поздеева называют "сибирским матиссом" . его картины наполнены радостью, светом, яркими красками. он любил жизнь, умел по-детски радоваться жизни и заражал этой любовью окружающих. цветы и солнце» мы ощущаем жаркое солнце, яркую могучую цветовую симфонию во славу жизни. выставки картин художника проходили в залах государственной третьяковской галереи, в лучших выставочных залах россии и зарубежных стран. картины андрея поздеева есть во многих коллекциях мира. в красноярске коллекция картин хранится в художественном музее им. в.и. сурикова. однажды андрей геннадьевич сказал: «я распахнул вам свою ».
ответ:Economy of using rainwater in the laundry room
Whether our goal is to save money or the environment, most of us detest wasting anything. Many folks may not realize, however, how much soap is squandered in the laundry room when washing clothes in hard water — rather than naturally soft rainwater.As most homesteaders rely on water pumped from far below ground to fill their washing machines, and hard water is prevalent in vast regions of the United States, soap-wasting is widespread. I hail from the Missouri Ozarks atop a karst (limestone) terrain. Our water is exceedingly hard, meaning it contains a considerable quantity of dissolved minerals, mainly calcium and magnesium. Iron and manganese are also often present in hard water.
Those minerals, while safe to drink, make soap less effective, smearing into a grayish cream with no lather. Because soap does not dissolve in hard water, much of it will remain in the materials being washed, leave scum in the wash basin, or simply go down the drain. Here, jeans laundered in well water can stand on their own after line-drying on a breezeless day.
Hard water can even shorten the life of fabrics. Over time, this buildup of soap makes clothing grimy, drab and discolored. Sadly, pretty garments often end up in the rag bin far sooner than necessary.
Municipal water, in most cases, also comes from drilled wells or reservoirs of hard water that is then chemically treated to reduce hardness.