Здавалося б, творити добро й робити добрі справи та вчинки простіше простіше простого. Адже це не вимагає від людини жодних надприродних зусиль. Усього навсього необхідно лише слідувати за велінням свого серця і, роблячи щось хороше, думати про те, як приємно це буде для іншої людини.
Робити добро – це до літній людині перейти через дорогу, це заступитися за того, над ким знущаються. Зробити добру справу – це до людині, яка послизнулася, піднятися, це зняти з дерева злякане кошенятко чи нагодувати бездомну тварину. Доброта – це поклик душі, коли ти просто не можеш вчинити інакше, окрім як до своєму другові, батькам, а навіть і просто сторонній людині, якій потрібна до .
1.When I GOT up, my mother and father WERE DRINKING tea.
2. When I SAW my friends, they WERE PLAYING football.
3. When I OPENED the door, the cat WAS SITTING on the table.
4. When I WAS GOING to school, I MET my friend.
5. When I CAME to my friend’s place, he WAS WATCHING TV.
1.When I GOT up, my mother and father WERE DRINKING tea.
2. When I SAW my friends, they WERE PLAYING football.
3. When I OPENED the door, the cat WAS SITTING on the table.
4. When I WAS GOING to school, I MET my friend.
5. When I CAME to my friend’s place, he WAS WATCHING TV.
1.When I GOT up, my mother and father WERE DRINKING tea.
2. When I SAW my friends, they WERE PLAYING football.
3. When I OPENED the door, the cat WAS SITTING on the table.
4. When I WAS GOING to school, I MET my friend.
5. When I CAME to my friend’s place, he WAS WATCHING TV.
1.When I GOT up, my mother and father WERE DRINKING tea.
2. When I SAW my friends, they WERE PLAYING football.
3. When I OPENED the door, the cat WAS SITTING on the table.
4. When I WAS GOING to school, I MET my friend.
5. When I CAME to my friend’s place, he WAS WATCHING TV.
1.When I GOT up, my mother and father WERE DRINKING tea.
2. When I SAW my friends, they WERE PLAYING football.
3. When I OPENED the door, the cat WAS SITTING on the table.
4. When I WAS GOING to school, I MET my friend.
5. When I CAME to my friend’s place, he WAS WATCHING TV.
1.When I GOT up, my mother and father WERE DRINKING tea.
2. When I SAW my friends, they WERE PLAYING football.
3. When I OPENED the door, the cat WAS SITTING on the table.
4. When I WAS GOING to school, I MET my friend.
5. When I CAME to my friend’s place, he WAS WATCHING TV.
1.When I GOT up, my mother and father WERE DRINKING tea.
2. When I SAW my friends, they WERE PLAYING football.
3. When I OPENED the door, the cat WAS SITTING on the table.
4. When I WAS GOING to school, I MET my friend.
5. When I CAME to my friend’s place, he WAS WATCHING TV.