1.When I GOT up, my mother and father WERE DRINKING tea.
2. When I SAW my friends, they WERE PLAYING football.
3. When I OPENED the door, the cat WAS SITTING on the table.
4. When I WAS GOING to school, I MET my friend.
5. When I CAME to my friend’s place, he WAS WATCHING TV.
1.When I GOT up, my mother and father WERE DRINKING tea.
2. When I SAW my friends, they WERE PLAYING football.
3. When I OPENED the door, the cat WAS SITTING on the table.
4. When I WAS GOING to school, I MET my friend.
5. When I CAME to my friend’s place, he WAS WATCHING TV.
1.When I GOT up, my mother and father WERE DRINKING tea.
2. When I SAW my friends, they WERE PLAYING football.
3. When I OPENED the door, the cat WAS SITTING on the table.
4. When I WAS GOING to school, I MET my friend.
5. When I CAME to my friend’s place, he WAS WATCHING TV.
1.When I GOT up, my mother and father WERE DRINKING tea.
2. When I SAW my friends, they WERE PLAYING football.
3. When I OPENED the door, the cat WAS SITTING on the table.
4. When I WAS GOING to school, I MET my friend.
5. When I CAME to my friend’s place, he WAS WATCHING TV.
1.When I GOT up, my mother and father WERE DRINKING tea.
2. When I SAW my friends, they WERE PLAYING football.
3. When I OPENED the door, the cat WAS SITTING on the table.
4. When I WAS GOING to school, I MET my friend.
5. When I CAME to my friend’s place, he WAS WATCHING TV.
1.When I GOT up, my mother and father WERE DRINKING tea.
2. When I SAW my friends, they WERE PLAYING football.
3. When I OPENED the door, the cat WAS SITTING on the table.
4. When I WAS GOING to school, I MET my friend.
5. When I CAME to my friend’s place, he WAS WATCHING TV.
1.When I GOT up, my mother and father WERE DRINKING tea.
2. When I SAW my friends, they WERE PLAYING football.
3. When I OPENED the door, the cat WAS SITTING on the table.
4. When I WAS GOING to school, I MET my friend.
5. When I CAME to my friend’s place, he WAS WATCHING TV.
Во всём мире сегодня на второй план уходит вся проблематика экономики, и, к сожалению, социально-экономической сферы. На первый план выходит гуманитарная проблематика, а здесь главная проблема – это проблема морали и этики в обществе и общественных отношениях как таковых. Со всей очевидностью, по мнению центристской и левой испанской прессы, тема морали и нравственности – определяющая в момент всеобщей драмы.
В своих последних выступлениях-размышлениях выдающийся физик-теоретик Стивен Хокинг отмечал значение морали и нравственности во всеобщем мировом прогрессе. Сегодня как никогда мысли американца актуальны.
Его замечания о том, что материя тормозит время (вспомним его блестящий пример с египетскими пирамидами) можно воспринимать как метафору сегодняшнего дня. Для человека мораль, нравственность и социальная справедливость всегда были выше ценностей “Золотого Тельца”. “Хотя, конечно, – возразите Вы, – были и такие (они есть и сейчас), которые так не считают. Но их, слава Богу, всегда было подавляющее меньшинство”.