Write the correct letter. One restaurant is extra.
Which Restaurant serves hot and spicy food?
Which restaurant only has desserts and sweets?
In which two restaurants can you listen to some great music?
Which restaurant is good for people who do not eat meat?
Which restaurant employs staff trained in Europe?
Which restaurant serves an all-day breakfast including sausages, bacon and eggs?
@yerasyldinmukhamed:ну это Aletta Ocean Task 2. Answer the questions in your opinion
Which restaurant would you choose to go to and why?
Have you ever tried foreign foods? Describe your experience.
Do you ever go on diets? Do you think diets work? Is dieting dangerous, in your opinion?
Do you think that we eat better now than we did in the past? Explain your answer.
Do you agree with genetically modifying the food we eat? What are the advantages of genetically modified food? What are the disadvantages?
Do you think the following sayings are true? Why/not? ‘An apple a day keeps the
doctor away’ , ‘Carrots help you see in the dark’
Write the correct letter. One restaurant is extra.
Which Restaurant serves hot and spicy food?
Which restaurant only has desserts and sweets?
In which two restaurants can you listen to some great music?
Which restaurant is good for people who do not eat meat?
Which restaurant employs staff trained in Europe?
Which restaurant serves an all-day breakfast including sausages, bacon and eggs?
A. The Lemon Tree
B. Your Local Café
C. A Taste of Tuscany
D. Fast Best
E. The Chocolate Box
F. Last Days of the Raj
G. Musical Chairs
На постере изображен, как я вижу музыкальный фестиваль классической музыки.
Какие только музыкальные инструменты используют музыканты: от рояли до трубыАрман, на протяжении всей этой недели будет слушать только поп-музыку, Карина в течение недели будет слушать
только классику, а Вика только electrodance. Вика, в течение недели слушая electrodance, она жаловалась на то, что у
неë часто и резко меняется настроение. Так же вика сказала, что хоть музыка и заводная, дома, сидя на диване,
танцевать под неё не хочетсяГлубокоправдно-надолго и сильно повлияла на
жизнь людей
Передается из уст в уста-музыка переходит из поколения в поколение посредством пересказов, пения.
Откликается наша душа-человеку нравится эта музыка, она затрагивает важные темы и части его жизни.https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSJD8HEg9/https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSJD8bmFX/https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSJD8HEg9/https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSJD8HEg9/https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSJD8HEg9/https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSJD8HEg9/https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSJD8HEg9/https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSJD8HEg9/https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSJD8HEg9/https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSJD8HEg9/https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSJD8HEg9/https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSJD8HEg9/https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSJD8HEg9/https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSJD8bmFX/https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSJD8bmFX/@headcrabshow:Вбей в поиске Lolly [email protected]:Вбей в поиске Lolly [email protected]:Вбей в поиске Lolly Lips❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️@magomedov26:wGLR4XN2SKRChttps://t.me/KaspiGoldKzBot?start=r07832329440NEW-E863AFWrite the correct letter. One restaurant is extra.
Which Restaurant serves hot and spicy food?
Which restaurant only has desserts and sweets?
In which two restaurants can you listen to some great music?
Which restaurant is good for people who do not eat meat?
Which restaurant employs staff trained in Europe?
Which restaurant serves an all-day breakfast including sausages, bacon and eggs?
A. The Lemon Tree
B. Your Local Café
C. A Taste of Tuscany
D. Fast Best
E. The Chocolate Box
F. Last Days of the Raj
G. Musical Chairs
Write the correct letter. One restaurant is extra.
Which Restaurant serves hot and spicy food?
Which restaurant only has desserts and sweets?
In which two restaurants can you listen to some great music?
Which restaurant is good for people who do not eat meat?
Which restaurant employs staff trained in Europe?
Which restaurant serves an all-day breakfast including sausages, bacon and eggs?
A. The Lemon Tree
B. Your Local Café
C. A Taste of Tuscany
D. Fast Best
E. The Chocolate Box
F. Last Days of the Raj
G. Musical Chairs
Task 2. Answer the questions in your opinion
Which restaurant would you choose to go to and why?
Have you ever tried foreign foods? Describe your experience.
Do you ever go on diets? Do you think diets work? Is dieting dangerous, in your opinion?
Do you think that we eat better now than we did in the past? Explain your answer.
Do you agree with genetically modifying the food we eat? What are the advantages of genetically modified food? What are the disadvantages?
Do you think the following sayings are true? Why/not? ‘An apple a day keeps the
doctor away’ , ‘Carrots help you see in the dark’
Я слышал, что Николай-таки стал мастером спорта. Поставьте-ка стол на место! Уже ему-то всегда удавались шуточные стихи и ему таки поручили писать сценарий для праздничного концерта. Катя похвасталась, что у неё-де получилось решить эту задачу.И всё-таки она точь-в-точь похожа на свою бабушку в молодости! А посуду-то я забыл помыть. Я бы хотел поехать-таки с вами. Завтра нам опять-таки понадобится его Тебе-то стоит лишь попросить, и тебе-таки . Подожди-ка меня в саду. Он то делал бы это лучше. Ему таки удалось выиграть чемпионат. Самолёт лишь коснулся воды и взмыл таки в небо. Мне таки поручили это задание.