READING Task 1.Read the text and choose the right answers to the questions.
Checking out the Check out.
The 18th century French writer, Brillat-Savarin, wrote that we are what we eat. But in the consumer world of the 21th century, it is perhaps truer to say that we are what we buy.
Every year, in order to find out more about who we are, the National Office of Statistics draws up a list of the typical contents of the nation's shopping basket. The list is designed to analyze the nation's buying habits as accurately as possible. Every year they remove any items that are becoming less popular and replace them with new products.
In this year's basket they have included: a carton of low-fat milk, a bottle of mineral water, a tub of olive-oil-based margarine, a bag of pre-washed salad leaves, cereal bar, a loaf of garlic bread and some free-range chicken. The basket no longer contains a box of matches (apparently we prefer lighters), a carton of fruit drink (it seems that we now like our fruit drinks in plastic bottles), lipstick (lip gloss is more popular) or a packet of cheese slices (Parmesan cheese is now more popular).
Changes in the basket show that traditional British foods, like bread and butter or bacon and eggs and a cup of tea, which used to be so popular, are being replaced by a more mediterranean diet. Twenty years ago very few households included olive oil or fresh pasta on their shopping lists. Now they are among the top ten most likely items on the Great British shopping list.
Ten years ago very few families bought bottled mineral water to drink at home - they thought it was a luxury item. But, influenced by holidays in other European countries, we are now buying so much that it has taken over from more traditional drinks, such as lemonade. Andit would seem that the typical British consumer is also spending more money on organic fruit and vegetables, vegetarian burgers and decaffeined coffee. At the same time, less healthy food items have been crossed off the list.
So it seems that Britain as a nation is looking more to its European neighbors and thinking more about its health. The next time you are in the supermarket, take a quick look at the contents of your trolley and see if you're a part of modern Britain.
1. The list by NOS is designed is designed to :
a) Remove any items that are becoming less popular from the market;
b) Know the nation’s buying habits;
c) Give advice the people what to buy
2. This year’s basket doesn’t contain:
a) a carton of low-fat milk;
b) a carton of fruit drink;
c) a bottle of fruit drink
3. Which sentence is right according to the text:
a) Bread is becoming less popular;
b) Bread is still popular in this year’s list;
c) Bread is as butter and bacon so popular
4. Which sentence is right according to the text:
a) Bottled mineral water keeps being luxury item;
b) Bottled mineral water is no longer luxury item;
c) Bottled mineral water has never been luxury item
5. British people is thinking about :
a) Food fashion;
b) Supermarkets;
c) Health;
6. Which sentence is right according to the text:
a) Now the list includes more junk food;
b) You can’t find healthy food in the list;
c) More healthy food is included in the list.
Мода часто означает стиль, гламур и успех. Это тоже большой бизнес. Трудно удержаться от соблазна купить какую-то фирменную одежду в нашем современном мире. Каждый день мы проходим мимо красочных витрин, мы видим множество объявлений повсюду: на автобусах, рекламных щитах, телевизорах и в журналах. Многие подростки уделяют слишком много внимания внешности своих друзей и одноклассников. К сожалению, если некоторые родители не могут позволить себе покупать модные одежды с моделями, их дети часто становятся посторонними. Поэтому одежда обычно отделяет людей от социальных групп.
На мой взгляд, каждый человек может иметь свой собственный стиль и выглядеть уникальным. Он должен выбирать одежду по своему вкусу, возрасту, работе, конституции и характеру. Я рад сказать, что я не уделяю столько внимания моде, и я не ее жертва. Мне все равно, что другие люди носят. Самое главное для меня в мировоззрении - аккуратность, естественный внешний вид и красота. И это, безусловно, должно удовлетворить этот случай. Должен признать, что какая-то модная одежда довольно смехотворна и непрактична. Было время, например, когда молодые люди носили мешковатую одежду, туфли на огромных площадках, рыжие волосы, черные ногти и яркий макияж. На мой взгляд, это была просто глупая трата денег. Кроме того, если у человека нет хорошего вкуса, он не может собрать вещи и выглядеть привлекательно и стильно даже в модной одежде.