I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?
I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?МI'm sorry I can't decide the truth?МММММI'm sorry I can't decide the truth?МI'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?ММММI'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?I'm sorry I can't decide the truth?
Нур-Султан – столица Казахстана и современный город, который привлекателен для туристов и комфортен для проживания жителей и гостей столицы Казахстана, с благоприятной окружающей средой.
Нур-Султан стал столицей нового Казахстана в 1998 году в силу целого ряда причин. К концу XX века прежняя столица страны – Алматы – столкнулась с ворохом проблем, препятствующим дальнейшему развитию города: проблемой перенаселения (свыше 1,5 млн. жителей); транспортной перегруженностью магистралей; ухудшающимися экологическими условиями. К тому же, плотная застройка «Южной столицы» на практике не оставляла возможности для современного развития города.
Это сочинение "прекрасный нурсултан"