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Hello, everybody! Today you have a unique oppotunity to get acquainted with one of the largest country of Asia. Kazakhstan is an amazing country which many people call “a museum under the sky”. The country’s main landmark is steppe, known for its numerous natural landmarks. Some of them are alpine meadows of Zailiyski Alatau, great landscapes of Canyon of Charyn River, legendary Burabai Lake.
One of the most beautiful cities of the country is NurSultan. It is located at the foot of the Zailiyski Alatau Mountains. The city impresses with amazing architectural monuments which combine the elements of national style along with the newest design. It is popular region of Tien Shan, which is famous for its versatile scenery. Not far from Almaty tourists can find Medeo and Chimbulak. These are two picturesque places with many attractions. One of them is a large highland skating-rink Medeo. There is also a huge dike to protect the city from countyside..
As Kazakhstan lies at the crossroads of ancient civilizations, many ancient sites can be found there. For example, the mausoleum complex of Hodja Ahmed Yassaui, who was a prominent Turkic poet, the royal burial place in the Berel area, the Issyk burial mound, etc.
One of the most interesting phenomena of Kazakhstan is the Balkhash Lake, which is situated at a height of 340 meters. Half of the lake is fresh and half is salty. It is surrounded by hills and desert pastures. Borovoe Lake Resort with its pine forests and fancy natural sculptures is another tourist attraction.
Мою кошку зовут Бонни. Она чёрно-белого окраса. Спинка у неё чёрная, а грудка и концы лапок белые. Мордочка у неё тоже белого окраса, а около ушей и сами ушки чёрного окраса. Глаза у Бонни зелёные, а носик розовый. Шерсть у моей кошки короткая и блестящая. У Бонни длинные и тонкие лапы и длинный тонкий чёрный хвост, которым она полностью обвивает свои передние лапки, когда сидит.
Когда Бонни сидит, то выглядит как статуэтка сфинкса, потому что у неё высокий киль (грудь) и спинка её изящно изогнута горбиком. Бонни мне подарили, когда она была подросшим котёнком, при этом сказали, что её порода ориентальная. Я очень люблю свою кошку и с любовью ухаживаю за ней.