Michael Vladimirovich Krug was born on the seventh of April one thousand nine hundred and sixty-second. Real name - Vorobyov, was a Russian singer, one of the leading singers of the style of songs known as thug song, or shanson, which has been part of Russian culture since the beginning of the twentieth centure.
In nineteen eighty-seven Krug participated in a song completition, taking first place.
His height is one hundred and sixty nine centimeters.
His hair is black and his eyes are dark brown. It has a weight of seventy-eight kilograms. Character cheerful and friendly. He loved parties and holidays.
In the late evening of June thirtieth, two thousand and two. Michael Krug was fatally wounded in his Tver house by unknown intruders. He died in a hospital a few hours later
Michael Vladimirovich Krug was born on the seventh of April one thousand nine hundred and sixty-second. Real name - Vorobyov, was a Russian singer, one of the leading singers of the style of songs known as thug song, or shanson, which has been part of Russian culture since the beginning of the twentieth centure.
In nineteen eighty-seven Krug participated in a song completition, taking first place.
His height is one hundred and sixty nine centimeters.
His hair is black and his eyes are dark brown. It has a weight of seventy-eight kilograms. Character cheerful and friendly. He loved parties and holidays.
In the late evening of June thirtieth, two thousand and two. Michael Krug was fatally wounded in his Tver house by unknown intruders. He died in a hospital a few hours later
Июнь . Сенокос . Мы словно слышим , как звучит каждый цветок из этого тысячецветного букета и как звенят нежными аккордами сиреневые , голубые , лазоревые , бирюзовые , жёлтые , шафранные , пунцово-багряные , пурпурные и золотые колеры . Мощно звучат трубы вознесённых ввысь белоствольных берёз , и , как аккомпанемент этой полифонии июня , рассыпаются серебряной трелью миллионы листьев.
С прилагательных создается картина осени.