Read "The Tale of the Little Star"
A long time ago, when there were no people on earth, a little Star was born in the sky.
She was tiny compared to other stars and did not glow at all. When Zvezdochka looked at other stars, she dreamed of shining the same way in the night sky and illuminating everything around with her rays. She tried very hard to grow bright rays for herself, but she did not succeed. She looked at other stars and cried quietly, because no one noticed her.
And then one day, the wise Comet noticed her. She flew very close and heard the little Star crying. The comet took pity on her, and revealed one very important secret: "To grow up to be a big and bright star, you must never cry, always smile, eat well and sleep soundly."
Time has passed. Once the little star looked out the window and saw that the other stars had become somehow small. "I wonder ... Why do all the stars seem so small to me ... Maybe they got sick?" "- Asterisk thought to herself. But those stars were all right, they were the same as before - big. Finally, the star remembered what the Comet had told her and realized that she had grown up from following her advice.
And now the Little Star, who has become the Sun, continues to follow the advice of the wise Comet. She sleeps soundly and grows, hiding her bright rays under the covers. At this time, night falls on the earth. In the sky, other stars become visible, which do not know the secret of the wise Comet, they do not sleep and remain small and not so bright. When a new day comes, the biggest Star - the Sun wakes up, pulls out its bright rays from under the blanket and obscures the light of other stars. They become completely invisible. And no matter how they tried to shine brightly, the Little Star - the Sun shines stronger and more noticeable, because she followed the advice of the wise Comet, and her dream came true.
Elena Perepechaeva
Exercise 1
1. Compose and write down two assessment questions to the text using Bloom's daisy: one question is "simple" (Who? When? Where?), The second question is "creative" (What happens if ...?)
2. Give detailed answers expressing your opinion.
Letter 8 b.
Assignment 2
Write a letter on behalf of an asterisk - Sun "I help little stars." Use epithets, comparisons and phraseological units in your letter. The volume of work is 80-100 words.
In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”
ответ по англискому
ответ:Он вышел в пустынный, заброшенный сад. Набрякшие, размокшие листья лежали на дорожках. \Схваченная заморозками\ и\ размытая\, земля лопалась, густела, чавкала и налипала комьями. Девушка, \сидевшая на камне\, следила за водой,\ с тихим журчанием вытекающей из разбитого кувшина\.. И долго тогда стоял он,\ одетый в серую шинель с алым воротником\, один в пустынном углу осеннего парка, глядя на побуревший, размытый песок дорожки, на пестрый ковер облетевших листьев, на поникшую траву