My lovely day its when I wake up and the sun is shining through the window and i hear voices of birds !Then i go to the kitchen for doing a cup of green tea. take any book and enjoy morning. After I would like to go for a walk with my friends . mayby we would go to the cinema or do shopping! For dinner i d like to have something tasty like chiken with vegetables or things like that) In the evening I prefer to spend with my family wathing something interesting maybe TV or horror films. but sometimes i just want to listen to classical music and have a mental rest it s my perfect day
2. Н.ф.,- дерево;
П.пр; нарицательное, неодушевлённое, 2 склонение, в среднем роде;
Н.пр; в единственном числе, в Именительном падеже.
3. (Что?) дерево - подлежащее.