В решении.
Одночлен, у которого единственный числовой множитель стоит на первом месте и буквенные множители в различных степенях не повторяются, называется одночленом стандартного вида.
Числовой сомножитель называют коэффициентом одночлена.
Степенью одночлена называют сумму показателей всех переменных входящих в этот одночлен.
Одночлен Станд.вид Коэффиц. Степень
1,2с⁴с⁸ 1,2с¹² 1,2 12
0,6m²n³*4m⁵n² 2,4m⁷n⁵ 2,4 7+5=12
2/7a²*3,5b a²b 1 2+1=3
-5x²*0,2xy -x³y -1 3+1=4
-1,6x³y⁶*0,5x²y⁵ -0,8x⁵y¹¹ -0,8 5+11=16
0 және не знаю как гOTBET:
the afternoon, learn work
in lunchtime, I eat pizza and drink juice
in night, I watch TV or play mobile games
in weekend, I go to picnicin
Write the correct preposition, then complete the
sentences for you.
Write the correct preposition, then complete the
sentences for you.
Write the correct preposition, then complete the
sentences for you.
the afternoon, learn work
in lunchtime, I eat pizza and drink juice
in night, I watch TV or play mobile games
in weekend, I go to picnicin
the afternoon, learn work
in lunchtime, I eat pizza and drink juice
in night, I watch TV or play mobile games
in weekend, I go to picnicin
the afternoon, learn work
in lunchtime, I eat pizza and drink juice
in night, I watch TV or play mobile games
in weekend, I go to picnicin
the afternoon, learn work
in lunchtime, I eat pizza and drink juice
in night, I watch TV or play mobile games
in weekend, I go to picnicin
the afternoon, learn work
in lunchtime, I eat pizza and drink juice
in night, I watch TV or play mobile games
in weekend, I go to picnicin
the afternoon, learn work
in lunchtime, I eat pizza and drink juice
in night, I watch TV or play mobile games
in weekend, I go to picnicin
the afternoon, learn work
in lunchtime, I eat pizza and drink juice
in night, I watch TV or play mobile games
in weekend, I go to picnicin
the afternoon, learn work
in lunchtime, I eat pizza and drink juice
in night, I watch TV or play mobile games
in weekend, I go to picnicin
the afternoon, learn work
in lunchtime, I eat pizza and drink juice
in night, I watch TV or play mobile games
in weekend, I go to picnicin
the afternoon, learn work
in lunchtime, I eat pizza and drink juice
in night, I watch TV or play mobile games
in weekend, I go to picnicin
the afternoon, learn work
in lunchtime, I eat pizza and drink juice
in night, I watch TV or play mobile games
in weekend, I go to picnicin
Write the correct preposition, then complete the
sentences for you.
Write the correct preposition, then complete the
sentences for you.
Write the correct preposition, then complete the
sentences for you.
Write the correct preposition, then complete the
sentences for you.
Айару казак тілі ден 7ші тапсымадан 1 жұмбақты 2ші жұмбақты айтшы казак тілі ден 7ші тапсымадан 1 жұмбақты 2ші жұмбақты айтшы казак тілі ден 7ші тапсымадан 1 жұмбақты 2ші жұмбақты айтшы апай Саламатсызба апай Саламатсызба апай Саламатсызба апай Саламатсызба апай