Napoleon I Bonaparte (ital. Napoleone Buonaparte, FR. Napoléon Bonaparte, August 15, 1769, Ajaccio, Corsica - 5 may 1821, Longwood, O. of St. Helena) - the Emperor of France 1804-1815, French military leader and statesman, who laid the foundations of the modern French state. Napoleon was born in Ajaccio on the island of Corsica, which has long been under the control of the Republic of Genoa. In 1755 Corsica overthrew the Genoese domination and since that time actually existed as an independent state under the leadership of the local landowner Pasquale Paoli, the Secretary of which was the father of Napoleon. In 1768 the Genoese Republic sold its rights to Corsica to the French king Louis XV. In may 1769 in battle Just when French troops defeated the Corsican rebels, and Paoli emigrated to England. Napoleon was born 3 months after these events. Paoli until 1790-ies remained his idol.
Napoleon was the second of 13 children of Carlo and Letizia Bonaparte, Ramolino, five of whom died at an early age. The family belonged to the minor nobility and lived on the island since the beginning of XVI century. Although in the past Carlo Buonaparte was one of the drafters of the Constitution of Corsica, he obeyed the French Supreme power, to be able to give their children education in France. This has helped him to win the favor of the French, and in 1771 Carlo was appointed assessor and became a representative of the nobility in the Corsican Parliament in Paris [source not specified 142 days] .
Initially the children were studied at the city school Ajaccio, later Napoleon and some of his brothers and sisters were taught writing and math Abbot. Much success Napoleon reached in mathematics. The crisis of power in Paris reached its apogee to 1799, when Bonaparte was with the army in Egypt. A corrupt Directory was not able to provide the conquests of the revolution. In Italy Russo-Austrian army, commanded by Alexander Suvorov, has closed the acquisition of Napoleon, and even faced the threat of invasion by France. Under these conditions, returning from Egypt, a popular General, relying on loyal army, dispersed representative bodies and the Directory and proclaimed Under the new Constitution, legislative power is shared between the State Council, Tribunate, the Legislative body and the Senate, making her helpless and clumsy. The Executive power, on the contrary, gathered in one fist of the first Consul, that is Bonaparte. The second and third consuls had only a consultative vote. The Constitution was approved by the people at a plebiscite (about 3 million votes to 1.5 thousand) (1800). Later Napoleon pushed through the Senate a decree on poziznennoe their powers (1802), and then proclaimed himself Emperor of France (1804).
At the moment when Napoleon came to power, France was at war with Austria and England. New Italian campaign of Bonaparte resembled the first. After crossing the Alps, the French army suddenly appeared in Northern Italy, enthusiastically meet the local population. Decisive was the victory in the battle of Marengo (1800). The threat to the French border was eliminated
I AM WRITING an English exercise now. 2 I WAS WRITING an English exercise at this time yesterday, 3. My little sister IS SLEEPING now. 4 My little sister WAS SLEEPING at this time yesterday. 5. My friends ARE NOT DOING their homework now. They ARE PLAYING volley-ball. 6. My friends WERE NOT DOING their homework at seven o'clock yesterday. They WERE PLAYING volley-ball. 7. ARE You EATING ice-cream now? 8. WERE You EATING ice-cream when I rang you up yesterday? 9. What IS your father DOING now? 10. What WAS your father DOING from eight till nine yesterday? 11. Why IS she CRYING now? 12. Why WAS she CRYING when I saw her yesterday? 13. She WAS READING the whole evening yesterday. 14. She IS NOT READING now, 15. Now she IS GOING to school. 16. What ARE you DOING now? —-I AM DRINKING tea. 17. WERE You DRINKING tea at this time yesterday? — No, I WAS NOT DRINKING tea at this time yesterday, I WAS EATING a banana. 18. My sister is fond of reading. She WAS READING the whole evening yesterday, and now she IS READING again, 19. Look! My cat IS PLAYING with a ball. 20. When I went out into the garden, the sun WAS SHINING and birds WERE SINGING in the trees.
1. They speaks English so well because they HAVE LIVED in London.
2. I HAVE NOT SEEN you for a long time.
3. Mary and Ann HAVE BOUGHT a new hats.
4. I HAVE just GOT a letter from that place last year.
5. My father and mother know so much he HAVE TRAVELLED a lot.
1 They HAVE already BEEN CHANGING their clothes for half an hour.
2. We HAVE BEEN HELPING our librarian to put the books.
3. They HAVE already BEEN LIVING in the country for four month.
4. They HAVE BEEN FISHING for five hours already.
5. They HAVE already BEEN PLAYING football for forty minutes.