The United States of America (USA), commonly known as the United States (U.S. or US) or America, is a country consisting of 50 states, a federal district, five major self-governing territories, and various possessions.[g] At 3.8 million square miles (9.8 million km2), it is the world's third- or fourth-largest country by total area[c]. Most of the country is located in central North America between Canada and Mexico. With an estimated population of over 328 million, the U.S. is the third most populous country in the world. The capital is Washington, D.C., and the most populous city is New
York City.
These are the traditions that have been bred from the American way of life.
Driving Everywhere.
Not Taking Maternity Leave.
Eating Fast Food and Large Portions.
Celebrating the Fourth of July.
Constantly Striving to Maintain a Youthful Appearance.
Working Way Too Many Hours.
Tipping For Services
1. Sarah told that all the letters had been writ-
ben. 2. Benny greeted the people who have been invited to the meeting. 3. These children are never
given any pocket money. 4. The inhabitants of the village were
being asked about people living in their neighbourhood when the
police arrived. 5. Jane allowed her brother to go to the
cinema. 6. Children are being seldom allowed to see horror films.
7. I entered the house when our seats were shown to my
parents. 8. The funny scene was followed by the laughter
of the audience. 9. John was asked by his uncle if the fairs
in the village had been often visited. 10. John says the socks
have not been mended yet.
1 The picture had been painted by 7 o'clock. Картина была написана к 10 утра.
2 We had played before she came back. Мы играли, прежде чем она вернулась.
3 She had finished the letter before I found my phone. Она закончила письмо, прежде чем я нашел свой телефон.
4 I had told her the story by the time my parents called. Я рассказал ей историю, к тому времени как мои родители позвонили.
5 The book had been written by 1890. Книга была написана к 1890 году.
6 Bill had eaten his sandwich by 2 p.m. Билл съел свой бутерброд к 2 часам дня.
7 They saw that the band had already gone. Они увидели, что группа уже ушла.
8 I had lived in Moscow for 10 years before I moved to Germany. До переезда в Германию я прожил в Москве 12 лет
9 We hoped that letters had been already sent. Мы надеялись, что письма уже были отправлены.
10 He had walked the dog when the accident happened Он выгуливал собаку, когда произошла авария