Play snowballs - играть в снежки
Journey - путешествие
Explorer - исследователь
Discover - обнаружить
Explore - исследовать
Noise - шум
Find a knife - найти нож
Get back - вернуться
Believe - верить
Use compass - пользоватьсякомпасом
They went on a dangerous journey to look for the center of the earth. Their raft broke against rocks.
Alex and professor decided to look around.
They saw huge elephants.
They found a very old knife.
They were in the center of the earth.
1 The title is 'Journey to the Centre of the Earth'.
2 Jules Verne is the author of the story.
3 Professor and his nephew Alex are the main characters of the story.
4 They wanted to find the center of the earth.
5 Their raft broke against rocks.
6 They saw huge elephants, initials on a cave wall.
7 They found a very old knife.
8 They were in the centre of the earth.
9 Yes, they were.
4.Выберите любые 2 или 3 картинки и опишите их. Опишите внешность героев, место, необычные растения и животных и что происходит на картинке.b) Расположи картинки a-g в правильном порядке. Послушай и проверь. ответ 1-d, 2-e, 3-c, 4-a, 5-b, 6-f, 7-g.
5. Используя подсказки закончите предложения с выражением used to
1 She has short hair now. When she was young, she used to have long hair.
2 He doesn’t play football, but when he was at school he used to play football.
3 She is a hairdresser now. Five years ago she used to be a bus driver.
4 They live in New York now. Twenty years ago they used to live in Moscow.
5 I don’t watch TV anymore. Three years ago I used to watch TV for hours.
6. Mike works hard but 5 years ago he didn't use to work hard.
1He used to go to the gym three times a week.
7 He used to go out in the evening.
8 He used to play the guitar.
9 He didn’t use to travel much.
Do you do any sport? - Yes, I do. I go to the gym three times a week.
I have such a busy work. - I don’t have time for anything.
Do you go out in the evening? - Yes, most evenings.
/Only at the weekend.
Do you play a musical instrument? - Yes, I play the guitar.
/ I’ve given it up.
Do you travel much? - No, I don’t.
/I have too many business trips.
Главный герой: люди
Что происходит: рассказ о мифах, легендах и сказках
Дело в: люди передавали рассказы и создавали великие традиции
Моральные ценности: сказки развлекают людей, обучая их моральные ценности