I like Japanese clothes. I don't like Japanese style of life.
I like Chinese paintings. I don't like chinese food.
I like American English. I don't like American people.
I like Italian cities. I don't like Italian language.
I like Spanish dances. I don't like Spanish fruit.
I like German writers. I don't like German poetry.
I like Brazilian songs. I don't like Brazilian souvenirs.
I like Portugese names. I don't like Portuguese history.
I like Arabic coffee. I don't like Arabic music.
I like Mexican hats. I don't like Mexican food.
the first christian church was built on the augusteon market square in the 4th century under emperor constantine. in the case of socrates scholastic, the construction of the first temple, called sophia, belongs to the reign of emperor constantius. according to n. p. kondakov, constantius only expanded the construction of constantine. socrates scholastic tells the exact date of the temple's blessing: after building eudoxia to the episcopal throne of the capital, the great church, known as sophia, was consecrated, what happened in the tenth consulate of constance and the third caesar julian, on the fifteenth day of the month of february.
i love visiting museums. museums are a separate world. i think people visit museums because there is something else that you will not meet in everyday life. a change of scenery always attracts people. in my life, museums occupy a large place. i love very much historical and memorial, art museums, museums, estates. of course, visiting museums develops and allows you to receive some new knowledge.thanks to visiting the museum of the battle of borodino, i learned about the invasion napoleon's troops in russia, about commander-in-chief of the russian army michael kutuzov, about commander bagration and barclay de tolly. doom five hundred thousand invasions and the death of napoleonic france.
я люблю відвідувати музеї. музеї - це окремий світ. я думаю, що люди відвідують музеї, тому що є щось інше, що ви не зустрінете в повсякденному житті. зміна пейзажу завжди приваблює людей. у моєму житті музеї займають велике місце. я дуже люблю історико-меморіальні, художні музеї, музеї, садиби. звичайно, відвідування музеїв розвивається і дозволяє отримати нові знання. завдяки відвідуванню музею бородінської битви, я дізнався про вторгнення військ наполеона в росію, про головнокомандувача російської армії михайла кутузова, про багратіон і барклай де толлі. загинули п'ятьсот тисяч вторгнень і смерть наполеонівської франції.
1)I like japanese culture
I don't japanese girls
2) I like Chinese technology
I don't like Chinese medicine
3) I like American people
I don't like American lawlessness
4) I like Italian tea
I don't like Italian food
5) I like Spanish sights
I don't like Spanish football