Many things have changed over the past decades. Same can be said about the life of modern teenagers. Today teens are more independent, have other interests, and are definitely lazier than before.
Computer is the root of most changes in the society. Modern teenagers spend almost all their free time online, playing computer games, chatting with friends, surfing social networks, instead of going out and doing some outdoor activities. If you ask a teenager what the life was like twenty or thirty years ago, he won’t answer, because he doesn’t know. Modern children simply can’t imagine their life without cell phones, tablets and MP3 players. These gadgets have gradually replaced the whole world of childish games and live communication.
Previous generations of teenagers could still be seen in the streets jumping, running around and playing active games. Today, teenagers are mostly seen online. From the one hand, it’s certainly not good. From the other hand, this can be understood. How can children avoid electronic toys if they are everywhere? Other than that, the life of teenagers is not easy. They have a number of problems, which they don’t want to discuss with adults. Chatting with friends, at least they can share with them. Being online, they can also find answers for many urgent questions or problems. Modern teenagers are luckier than other generations for having the freedom of choice and life full of possibilities. It’s a “computer-based” generation. Even their homework is done with the help of computers and the Internet.
1)when and were did rock and roll music begin?What contribution did the rock and roll musicians make? ~ Rock and roll began in the 1950s in America. First singers brought their traditional rthythm into their songs.
2) what kind of music did the rolling stones offer?
~ The Rolling Stones offered aggressive rock.
3)what was special about the music of the beatles?what speaks for the fact that the beatles were very popular?
~ The Beatles made a breakthrough in pop and rock because they took all that was good about early rock, and changed it into something original and even more exiting. They were very popular so they toured a lot, they recorded and released 12 albums and their young fans knew the lyrics and the tunes of all their songs.
4)can we say that the history of rock and pop finished in the 70s?
` Of course, it didn't finish then. The history continued. In the 70s other famous singers like Elton John, David Bowie, Rod Stewart and Queen appeared. 5)what was special about the pop music of the 80 s?
~ In the 80s musical technology changed. Some bands began to use electronic instruments called synthesizers. Techno music and all kinds of dance music became very popular. Boy bands and girl bands like The Backstreet Boys and The Spice Girls made their way to the stage.
6)why were live aid concerts organised?
Because singers wanted to raise money for African children who were starving and dying from infectious diseases
7)what musicians made their way to the stage in the 1990s and in the early 2000s?
For example, Jennifer Lopez, Britney Spears and some boy bands.
Меня зовут Мет и я живу в Манчестере. Мне нравится футбол, астрономия и легкая атлетика. Я могу пробежать 1000 метров . Мне нравятся ужастики и программы о животных. мне нравиться музыка и я читаю газету кадый день. Также мне нравится письма для нашей местной газеты. Но есть одна вещь которую я действительно ненавижу - мобильные телефоны. я как понимаю тут вопросы к первому лицу. 1 I i live in Manchester 2 yes, 3 yes, astronomy and athletics. 4 yes. I can run 1000 metres 5 my favourite food is pasta 6 horror films and programmes about animals 7 i hate mobile phone
Many things have changed over the past decades. Same can be said about the life of modern teenagers. Today teens are more independent, have other interests, and are definitely lazier than before.
Computer is the root of most changes in the society. Modern teenagers spend almost all their free time online, playing computer games, chatting with friends, surfing social networks, instead of going out and doing some outdoor activities. If you ask a teenager what the life was like twenty or thirty years ago, he won’t answer, because he doesn’t know. Modern children simply can’t imagine their life without cell phones, tablets and MP3 players. These gadgets have gradually replaced the whole world of childish games and live communication.
Previous generations of teenagers could still be seen in the streets jumping, running around and playing active games. Today, teenagers are mostly seen online. From the one hand, it’s certainly not good. From the other hand, this can be understood. How can children avoid electronic toys if they are everywhere? Other than that, the life of teenagers is not easy. They have a number of problems, which they don’t want to discuss with adults. Chatting with friends, at least they can share with them. Being online, they can also find answers for many urgent questions or problems. Modern teenagers are luckier than other generations for having the freedom of choice and life full of possibilities. It’s a “computer-based” generation. Even their homework is done with the help of computers and the Internet.