прочитайте текст с пропусками. заполните пропуски, обозначенные
буквами a–e, выбрав подходящие слова из списка 1–8. используйте каждое
слово только один раз. три слова лишние.
1. man 2. may 3. monument 4. people
5. tried 6. play 7. tree 8. could
ilya muromets
ilya muromets went to kiev to defend rus from evil. a monster lived in the
forests of bryansk, half a a half a bird, called solovei razboinik. the
monster b fly and lived in a big nest situated on twelve trees. he had
a family like all c and he could kill strangers with his powerful
whistle. the trees lost their leaves and the people fell dead when the monster
whistled. solovei razboinik d hard to kill ilya muromets but nothing
happened to the bogatyr. ilya muromets came to the monster and shot an arrow at
his right eye. when the monster fell down from the e ilya muromets
put him into his sack and took to the glorious city of kiev.
I think that everybody has heard, read books or seen films about Harry Potter. The novels written by the English writer Joanne Rowling about his adventures have been translated into many languages. Harry Potter is my favourite literary character. I like him because he is brave, clever and kind. He’s also very friendly. All the books about him are very interesting and I have read all of them. Harry Potter faces a lot of different and difficult problems but he solves them with the help of his true friends. These books open their readers a magic world of wonders and help to develop imagination and creativity. Harry Potter is a modal to follow for many children in many countries.