The Greens usually stay at this hotel.- Present Indefinite, подсказка слово usually- (обычно) говорит , что действие происходит с каклой- то регулярностью, а не в момент речи ( сейчас) -Present Continuous.
If I were organized and kept a diary, I would have remembered that I had a date.
If I didn't know her name,I would have asked my friends.
If I weren't so busy on Friday night, I would have gone to the movies with you.
If I loved sports and ran every day, I would have participated in the competition.
If I had more money,I would have bought a better present for her.
If i believed in myself and weren't so shy. I would have sang in front of everybody.
If you spent more time with us,I would have invited you to our party.
The Greens usually stay at this hotel.
Со словом usually (обычно) употребляется Present Indefinite