The Thompson family. What were they doing on Sunday at 7 o'clock? Mr. Thompson was cooking dinner in the kitchen. Mrs. Thompson was cleaning their car in front of their house. Jack and Eve were sitting in the hall near the fireplace. Jack, their 11 years old son, was reading Shakespeare's sonnets. Eve, at the age of 16, was playing with Barbies. Their grandma and grandpa were having a good time. Their grandma was exercising in the gym. Their grandpa was ironing shirts and socks in the living room. They also had two pets. And do you know what were they doing? Spot, the puppy, was catching mice in the garden. And Kitty, the little cute kitten, was fighting with neighbour's dog.
1. All preparations being made, we went on an excursion. (the Nominative Absolute Participial Construction = независимый причастный оборот) - Когда все приготовления были сделаны, мы отправились на экскурсию.
2. I expect you to be on time. (Complex Object = объектный инфинитивный оборот, сложное дополнение) - Я надеюсь, ты придешь вовремя.
3. He is said to learn foreign languages quickly. (Complex Subject = субъектный инфинитивный оборот, сложное подлежащее) - Говорят, что он быстро учит иностранные языки.
will always be important part of our lives. 2. is someone who you can really trust. 3. of course, with my friends 4. to have a few close friends (соррян не понял это) 5. my girlfriend, he stopped spending time with his friends.