Я надеюсь, что вы здоровы. Угадайте, где я был в выходные! Я решил пойти в Crazy Ride Adventure Park с моими друзьями. Погода была великолепной. Было так много аттракционов, на которых я не мог выбрать, какой из них продолжать. Я попробовал Mega американские горки. Это было здорово. Мы хотели пойти в Зал Зеркал, но не сделали этого, потому что была очень длинная очередь. Мы попробовали candyfloss, но мне это не понравилось. Мы просидели до позднего вечера. А как насчет вас? Вы посетили своих дедушек и бабушек? Напишите в ближайшее время.
Sympathy , compassion . If you think about the meaning of these words , then you know what they stand for shared experience some feelings ( co- feeling) , suffering ( co- suffering) . This means together with other experience their joys and sorrows , their misery and suffering . And not just to empathize - to help as much as possible . Whether they are necessary in modern life ? Writers of the 20th century give this question a definite answer . Yes, we need . A good example of the manifestation of sympathy , compassion can serve Lydia M. , V. Rasputin tale heroine " French Lessons ". For the protagonist of this work , the lessons taught him Lydia M. , steel lessons of kindness. It does not just help the boy to learn a foreign language, its difficult pronunciation . Learning about the difficult situation of his pupil , that he was actually starving, Lydia M. has done everything possible to facilitate its position. She even went to the violation of the law , when you start playing for money , just to have the main character of the story had the money for milk . F. Abramov in the story " What cry horse " tells about the plight of the horses that were once the foundation of the rural family . Holili horses , they gave the last piece . But as time passed , and the ratio of horses has changed for the better. Unkempt , half-starved , they appeal to the man, whether a happy time for horses ? A man could not truthfully answer their dumb question . Longing only crushed his shoulders. If you stop to empathize and sympathize with others , the world will plunge into the darkness of cruelty and callousness . Empathy and compassion necessary. They make a person better.
There is a seaport behind my house.