Gennady Gennadyevich Golovkin (born on April 8, 1982, Karaganda, Kazakh SSR, USSR) - Kazakhstan-Professional Boxer, acting in the average weight category. Silver medalist of the Olympic Games (2004), World Champion (2003) in the category of lovers. Among the professionals, the two-time world champion in IBF and IBO. The current world champion in IBF versions (2015-2018, 2019 - N.V.) and IBO (2011-2018, 2019 - N.V.), and former world champion in WBA versions (2010-2018), WBC (2016- 2018), The Ring (2018-2018) in middleweight. Won 10 boxers for the world champion title in middleweight [4].
Contemporary art and the media, in turn, also contribute to the deterioration of the moral situation, placing an excessive emphasis on hedonism, activating exclusively human consumer instincts for the sake of the economic interests of show business. At one time, L.S. Vygotsky was absolutely correct in pointing out the natural consequences of such a policy: “There is no more sure way to push a child to any negative act than to describe the latter in detail” Modern society actualizes the problem of spiritual and moral education of young people, postulating it as the most important strategic task and the guarantor of planetary security. This is primarily due to the deterioration of the moral culture of society, the growth of its criminality, alcoholization and drug addiction of the population, sexual promiscuity, and so on.
A new picture was shown them by her
A play was written by him in 1996
Tickets will be bought
Many questions were asked
Music was written
Our students are taught
This play is performed
A lot of propogate folk music is being done
Songs and rock music was formed
The world wide performers have been attracted