If you have found a good hobby, I can say you are a lucky person. It is not so easy to be busy with useful things. Many teenagers prefer to spend time with something useless. They can hang around doing nothing, smoke or drink alcohol drinks, play computer games and so on. But there are so many good and useful hobbies, for example, reading, writing poems or doing sport.
My hobby is gymnastics. I have been doing gymnastics since my childhood. I think it’s beautiful, it helps you to develop your skills and abilities, makes your body flexible. I go to gymnastics twice per week, but honestly I would like to do it often. Still every day I can practice at home.
In the beginning it was very difficult. It looked to me almost impossible, because these girls were able to move so easy and gracefully. The music was on and I was able only to dance. But I had very good and professional teacher. She explained me that I have to listen to music, but I have to move according the rhythm. It was easy and difficult at the same time.
Every lesson was changing me and I was not afraid anymore. My body became flexible and I was practicing in front of the mirror with a big interest. After 5 months we had the first concert and I participated in it. Of course I was not the best, but my performance was worthy. My parents were so much happy that I have found such a good hobby.
Unfortunately today I do gymnastics less because I have to pay more attention to my education. Soon I will go to university and I have to study more. Still gymnastics is my passion and in future I hope my children will be keen on gymnastics.
Every person needs to have a hobby, especially if one day this hobby can become a part of your life. Then you will become interesting and attractive person.
Переведите словосочетания, обращая особое внимание на глаголы жестов. 0) пожать плечами и повернуть голову налево. 1) тени глаза левой рукой. 2) нажмите правую руку ко лбу. 3) почесать подбородок. 4) сложите руки на своей груди. 5) вязать (глаза)брови. 6) кивать головой. 7) нажмите на кончик носа большим пальцем. 8) кисти волосы вверх. 9) указать на дверь указательным пальцем. 10) идите к двери на цыпочках. 11) касания ладонью. 12) встряхните свой указательный палец в предупреждении. 13) опереться лбом в спину левой рукой. 14) положите большие пальцы к вискам.
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If you have found a good hobby, I can say you are a lucky person. It is not so easy to be busy with useful things. Many teenagers prefer to spend time with something useless. They can hang around doing nothing, smoke or drink alcohol drinks, play computer games and so on. But there are so many good and useful hobbies, for example, reading, writing poems or doing sport.
My hobby is gymnastics. I have been doing gymnastics since my childhood. I think it’s beautiful, it helps you to develop your skills and abilities, makes your body flexible. I go to gymnastics twice per week, but honestly I would like to do it often. Still every day I can practice at home.
In the beginning it was very difficult. It looked to me almost impossible, because these girls were able to move so easy and gracefully. The music was on and I was able only to dance. But I had very good and professional teacher. She explained me that I have to listen to music, but I have to move according the rhythm. It was easy and difficult at the same time.
Every lesson was changing me and I was not afraid anymore. My body became flexible and I was practicing in front of the mirror with a big interest. After 5 months we had the first concert and I participated in it. Of course I was not the best, but my performance was worthy. My parents were so much happy that I have found such a good hobby.
Unfortunately today I do gymnastics less because I have to pay more attention to my education. Soon I will go to university and I have to study more. Still gymnastics is my passion and in future I hope my children will be keen on gymnastics.
Every person needs to have a hobby, especially if one day this hobby can become a part of your life. Then you will become interesting and attractive person.