Travel: a journey especially to a distant or unfamiliar place.
Explore: Explore something is to travel through an unfamiliar area in order to learn about it or else to examine something.
Discover: Discover is to find something or else to gain knowledge or become aware of something.
travel - путешествие в далекое или незнакомое место.
Explore - тур с целью исследования
Discover - открыть что-то новое.
Radium was discovered by Marie Curie.
The biologists were excited to explore the new land as they hoped to benefit from this journey.
I want to meet a person who has traveled the whole world.
1 I think Tom's new app will make him rich.
2 Look out! You are going to knock your phone off the table!
3 Our IT class starts at 9:15 am.
4 This time next week, they will be releasing the new VR headset.
5 We'll buy a 3D TV during the winter sales.
6 Don't worry. I promise I won't let you down.
7 I won't be at work on time; there's a traffic jam.
8 Umit turns 16 this November.
9 Alisher is getting a new games console this weekend.
10 Will Sam go the science fair with you?