Вопросы 1.What territory does the USA cover? / (ответ) The United States of America covers The central part of Northem America. 2.How many people live there? / (ответ) The population of The USA is about 265 million people. 3.Is the USA washed by the Pacific Ocean in the east or in the west? / (ответ) The USA is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west. 4. Is Alaska the large state ? / (ответ) Yes, The largest state of USA is Alaska. 5. How often the Americans do elect their president? / (ответ) The president elected every four years.
My dear Jane. I'm doing well, how are you doing? How are thing going on in your new school? We have a new teacher. Which additional classes do you attend? Come to us when you are on vacations, we miss you. We have a new class/club (кружок). I attend it. Also there's a new swimming pool in our school. The guys ask when you'll come. Visit me with your parents. When you will come on vacations you'll tell me about your new classmates. The guys asked you to write to them more often. Pllease, write me back, when you'll get the letter. See you soon.
1.What territory does the USA cover? / (ответ) The United States of America covers The central part of Northem America.
2.How many people live there? / (ответ) The population of The USA is about 265 million people.
3.Is the USA washed by the Pacific Ocean in the east or in the west? / (ответ) The USA is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west.
4. Is Alaska the large state ? / (ответ) Yes, The largest state of USA is Alaska.
5. How often the Americans do elect their president? / (ответ) The president elected every four years.