1. How many bridges were there in London at..the...beginning of 11th century? 2. Did you travel to..the...North? 3. Do you like to travel by plane or bytrain? 4. Did you go to ...the...country bycar? 5. Can we get to.the...nearest railway station by metro? 6. It takes me.an..hour to get to .thenearest church. 7. We had...a..wonderful time in Windsor Safari Park. 8..Asafari park is..a...large area of land wherewild animals live. 9. let's go to ..the...South ofEngland. We can stay at ..the...King's Hotel. 10 Mr West lives in..a..small town in..the...west ofEngland.
1.You mustn't throw litter. Use litter-bins.
2. You mustn't be noisy. Don't cry in the street!
3. You mustn't walk on the grass.
4. You mustn't cross the road at the red traffic lights.
5. Crossing the street first look to the left, then to the right.
6.You must be quiet and polite. Don't be rude.
7.You mustn't ride a bike on the pavement.
8.You must keep your dog on a leash.
9. Don't run and don't play on the pavement.
10 Be careful on a slippery road.
11 Keep to the right side of the pavement.
12 Don't walk alone late in the evening.