ответ:To begin with, that the educated person must read a lot to be an interesting conversationalist. A person who doesn't know the literature of his or her people, isn't interesting and pathetic. Nowadays computer replaces books and even a theater. But people still continue to read and watch the performances. Cultured man realizes that ignorance decorates nobody. My parents still visit a library, although there are a lot of books in our house. They read a lot and taught me to love reading.
Books Книги
Books play a very important role in my life. I think that modern life is impossible without reading. The more I read, the more knowledge and experience I get. I can’t say that all books are useful. Some are boring and pointless. Книги играют очень важную роль в моей жизни. Я думаю, что современная жизнь невозможна без чтения. Чем больше я читаю, тем больше знаний и опыта я получаю. Я не могу сказать, что все книги полезны. Некоторые из них скучны и бессмысленны.
I like both fiction and non-fiction books, but my favourite genre is detective stories. This includes Sherlock Holmes and Hercule Poirot books. I started reading books when I was quite young, about 8 or 9 years old. My first books were fantasy stories and I really enjoyed them. Мне нравятся как художественные, так и научно-популярные книги, но мой любимый жанр – это детективы. Сюда входят книги про Шерлока Холмса и Эркюля Пуаро. Я начала читать книги, когда я был совсем маленькой, примерно в 8 или 9 лет. Мои первые книги были фантастические истории, и мне они действительно нравились.
At the moment we have many books on school program and I get less time for reading my favourite ones. I can’t say that I don’t like classical literature. It is also quite good. I especially like Pushkin’s poems and Gogol’s short stories. Sometimes I also read various stories in English. If I see an unknown or new word, I check its meaning in a dictionary. На данный момент у нас много книг в школьной программе, и у меня остает
1. This is a book. It is my book.
2. They have a dog and two cats.
3. My brother is not at home.
4. He works at a hospital. The hospital is large.
5. Where is the cat? - The cat is on the sofa.
6. They get up at 7 o'clock in the morning.
7. What do you have for breakfast?
2. Put next words into Plural form. A star – stars, a man – men, a goose – geese, a woman – women, a king – kings.