Ii. раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в continuous passive. 1. b e attentive, a new grammar here (explain) 2. pavlov is at the hospital, he (operate) on.
1. He was forced to admit that many years have passed since then, as he took leave. 2. They adored this child. He was their solace from the moment I was born.3. Her thoughts were still about his mother. She hasn't seen her since then, Irina has gone to London. She not only gave her and her brother the love and support, but always inspired them to achieve all desires. She was always their mother and father.4. She complained that as she knew her husband, he was always a workaholic.5. Oksana knew the poem by heart, as the mother taught her many years ago. And all this time it was in her memory (tostayinthemind). 6. He announced that he was in love with her since he first saw her.7.
It was clear that my mother did not have a minute of rest, since we got two puppies and a cat. 8. She was very sorry she for many years was not in the town where she was born.9. His English was perfectly (flawless). He was raised and educated in England ever since his family moved there. 10. He looked like a man who just received a million dollars.
The choice of clothers depends on weather. выбор одежды зависит от погоды. In winter we wear warm jackets and sweaters and warm boots and warm hats. зимой мы одеваем теплые куртки, свитера и теплые ботинки и теплые шапки. In spring and autumn we also wear warm clothers but they are not so warm as in winter. When the sun shines we can go without hat. весной и осенью мы также одеваем теплую одежду, но она уже не такая теплая как зимой. когда светит солнце мы идем без шапки. In summer we wear light clothers. Women wear dresses or light suits. Men wear trousers with shirt or T-shirt. летом мы носим легкую одежду. Девушки одевают платья или легкие костюмы. Мужчины одевают брюки с рубашкой или футболкой. Young people wear shorts. молодежь одевает шорты. The weather can be different and we choose clothers to feel comfortable. погода бывает разной и мы выбираем ту одежду в которой будем чувствовать себя комфортно. But we aren't always succseed in it. но нам не всегда это удается. the weather is so chan gable. погода так изменчива.
1. Be attentive! A new grammar is being explained here.
2. Pavlov is at the hospital. He is being operated on.