1. My best friend is reliable, careful and polite. He has a good sense of humour and besides, he is always in a good mood. 2. Anna ia tall, slim young girl with brilliant blue eyes and pointed nose. She wears her blond wavy hair loose and looks very attractive. 3. My grandfather have a beard and mustache. He is a tall stout elderly man. He is very smart and well educated, modest and well-mannered. 4. The main character of "a Christmas Carol" Mr. Scrooge a bad character. He is greedy, selfish and finicky. Also he is always in a bad mood. 5. I believed that teachers schould be patient, attentive and strict. 6. Sociable and open people easily make friends. But to keep the friendship is not enough. A true friend schould be loyal, honest and always willing to help. 7. Can you describe the thief? He was tall, thin, with close-cropped dark hair, narrow eyes and a snub nose. He was fressed in blue jeans, black jacket and black gloves. 8. What can I say about my little sister? Polly a short, slim girl with glowing green eyes and fluffy eyelashes, full lips, and good-natured smile. She wears her thick red hair in braid. Polly is shy, but very curious and smart.
Approximately twenty years ago children wore strictly school uniform at school. But since the 1990s school uniform has been cancelled. Children chose themselves a school dress. Anyway, many schools nowadays have school uniform. Is it good or had? This question has both advantages and disadvantages. Now, let`s consider positive aspects. Firstly, the school uniform has strictness which make children study at school more seriously. Further more, school uniform makes children more disciplined. More than that it isn`t very expensive. And every family can afford to buy it. More over, school uniform removes social inequality because both rich and poor children wear the same clothes. Further more, there is no such a question what to put on in the morning. Now, let`s pay our attention, to same negative aspects. School uniform prevents children to be individuality. All are a like. One more, every day one and the same clothes. By the end of the school year it becomes untidy and not pleasant to look at. All in all school uniform has advantages and disadvantages, but as for me personally I vote for the school uniform because I presume it convenient for pupils.Перевод:
Примерно 20 лет назад дети носили строго школьную форму, но с 1990 г. школьную форму отменили. Дети сами выбирали, в чем пойти в школу.
Во всяком случае, в наши дни многие школы снова принимают школьную форму. Хорошо ли это или плохо? Этот вопрос имеет как плюсы, так и минусы.
Сейчас рассмотрим положительные стороны.
Во-первых, школьная форма имеет определенную строгость, которая говорит о том, что дети пришли в школу серьезно заниматься учебой.
Во-вторых, школьная форма прививает дисциплинированность детей.
В-третьих, она не очень дорогая, поэтому каждая семья может позволить себе купить её.
В-четвертых, школьная форма устранить некоторое социальное неравенство.
В-пятых, школьная форма снимает вопрос: в чем пойти сегодня утром?
Давайте обсудим негативные стороны.
Во-первых, школьная форма лишает детей индивидуальности. В школе все становятся одинаковыми.
Во-вторых, еще один недостаток школьной формы - дети каждый лень носят одну и ту же одежду.
В-третьих, к концу года форма теряет опрятный вид и ужасно надоедает.
Несмотря на плюсы и минусы школьной формы, лично я за школьную форму, поэтому, что это удобно для учеников.
2. Anna ia tall, slim young girl with brilliant blue eyes and pointed nose. She wears her blond wavy hair loose and looks very attractive.
3. My grandfather have a beard and mustache. He is a tall stout elderly man. He is very smart and well educated, modest and well-mannered.
4. The main character of "a Christmas Carol" Mr. Scrooge a bad character. He is greedy, selfish and finicky. Also he is always in a bad mood.
5. I believed that teachers schould be patient, attentive and strict.
6. Sociable and open people easily make friends. But to keep the friendship is not enough. A true friend schould be loyal, honest and always willing to help.
7. Can you describe the thief? He was tall, thin, with close-cropped dark hair, narrow eyes and a snub nose. He was fressed in blue jeans, black jacket and black gloves.
8. What can I say about my little sister? Polly a short, slim girl with glowing green eyes and fluffy eyelashes, full lips, and good-natured smile. She wears her thick red hair in braid. Polly is shy, but very curious and smart.