1. The US is situated in the central part of the North American continent.
2. It is washed by the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico.
3. The weather is very different in the USA. The climate of the country varies greatly from arctic in Alaska, through continental in the central part to subtropical in the south. The coldest weather is in the north of the country (40 degrees below zero) in winter. The south has the subtropical climate with temperature 49 degrees above zero in summer.
4. The US scenery varies across the large country from tropical beaches in Florida to peaks in the Rocky Mountains, from rolling prairie lands and barren deserts in the West to dense wilderness areas in the Northeast and Northwest.
5. The population of the country is more than 325 million people.
6. The Great Lakes, the Grand Canyon, the majestic Yosemite Valley and Yellowstone National Park are the most famous places to enjoy the beauty and power of wild America.
7. The mighty rivers of America are the Mississippi River, the Missouri River and the Colorado River.
8. In the USA here are big mountain chains: the Appalachian Mountains, the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Nevada.
9. The Grand Canyon attracts people with its immense size and spectacular colours. It is very beautiful with different kinds of plants and animals on opposite sides of the canyon.
10. People say that the US is a young country because it has only been independent for around three hundred years.
11. Americans like to have fun and enjoy their free time. They like going shopping, outdoor activities, going out with friends and watching games on TV or in a stadium. They are interested in sports: football, baseball, basketball, ice hockey, tennis and golf.
12. I think that the U.S. is a "melting pot" because there are so many different social groups from different religious, ethnic, racial and cultural backgrounds. No other place in the world has such a diverse population.
Todd: OK, Jeanna, you like the computer!
Jeanna: Yes, I do.
Todd: OK. Talk to us about computers.
Jeanna: Well, I go on the computer a lot and I talk with friends through AOL instant messenger. And I just moved from my hometown to Sacremento so it’s a good way to keep in touch with old friends.
Todd: Yeah. Do you learn about computers at school or on your own?
Jeanna: I picked most of what I know, I’ve picked it up, through, ya know, the years, and some at school, like keyboarding and such.
Todd: OK. Do you have a laptop or a PC?
Jeanna: I have a PC. A Compac.
Todd: Do you like your computer or do you want a new one?
Jeanna: I want a new one cause I think I screwed mine up and it’s a little bit slow now.
Todd: OK. How long have you had your computer?
Jeanna: I’ve had it for about 3 or 4 years.
Todd: Oh, yeah, that’s pretty old for a computer. Yeah, so do you talk to your friends every night by e-mail?
Jeanna: Yeah, yes I do.
Todd: OK.
Jeanna: See going on and you know the gossip.
Todd: So nowadays, do high school kids talk by e-mail more than phone?
Jeanna: Most people talk by either e-mail or cellular phone. You know a lot of people don’t use their house phones as much, and a lot of people have cellular phones.
Todd: OK. Thanks a lot Jeanna.
Тодд: хорошо, Жанна, тебе нравится компьютер!
Жанна: да, это так.
Тодд: хорошо. Поговорите с нами о компьютерах.
Жанна: Ну, я много хожу за компьютером и общаюсь с друзьями через AOL instant messenger. И я только что переехал из своего родного города в Сакременто, так что это хороший поддерживать связь со старыми друзьями.
Тодд: Да. Вы изучаете компьютеры в школе или самостоятельно?
Жанна: я собрала большую часть того, что знаю, я собирала это на протяжении многих лет, и некоторые из них в школе, например, клавишные и тому подобное.
Тодд: хорошо. У вас есть ноутбук или ПК?
Жанна: у меня есть компьютер. В Лаборатории
Тодд: вам нравится ваш компьютер или вы хотите новый?
Жанна: я хочу новый, потому что думаю, что я испортила свой, и теперь он немного медленный.
Тодд: хорошо. Как давно у вас есть компьютер?
Жанна: у меня это было около 3 или 4 лет.
Тодд: О, да, это довольно старовато для компьютера. Да, так ты каждый вечер разговариваешь со своими друзьями по электронной почте?
Жанна: да, конечно.
Тодд: хорошо.