Space! This one word is bewitching. When I was little, I never dreamed of becoming an astronaut, like many children. But space has always attracted my attention. I tried to see something fabulous and amazing. Sometimes it was a wish. My childhood consciousness already believed in this sincerely.
Now I began to understand a little, read literature and draw information from the Internet. Everything related to space is mysterious. How many planets have we not yet discovered? Is there life on them? Perhaps we are not alone in the universe? Know it as soon as possible and as soon as possible ... I know the cosmos! These were great people. Many studies have no limits. You can endlessly conquer space, to study more and more incredible facts.
We can imagine that our civilization has been studying space for a century. Perhaps we will make travels around the planets, as in science fiction films and communicate with our inhabitants ...? I am just sure that our consciousness is completely and completely impossible to study. It attracts not only my attention, but also the attention of everyone on earth. After all, everything that is unknown is interesting!
1. the best 2. better 3. the brightest 4. older, the oldest 5. elder 6. the most interesting 7. the largest 8. the noisiest 9. the hottest, the driest
1. Российский Государственный Университет права - самый лучший в Новгороде. 2. Твоя работа лучше, чем работа Джона. 3. Мэри - самая блестящая студентка в вашей группе. 4. Джордж старше, чем Уиллиам. Он самый старший в нашей семье. 5. Где твой старший брат? 6. Это самая интересная книга в моей коллекции. 7. Какая самая большая комната в вашей (твоей) квартире? 8. Хелен - самая шумная девочка в группе. 9. Июль - самый жаркий и самый засушливый месяц года.
Dear Miss Chatter! (Уважаемая, Мисс Чэттер) My name is and i will come to your farm next friday. (Меня зовут и я приеду к Вам на ферму в следующую пятницу) It`s my first time out of the city (я впервые еду загород) And I would like to know more about your farm (И я хотела бы узнать больше о Вашей ферме) Do you have a big hoouse or a small one? (У Вас большой дом или маленький) How many room are there in it? And how many floors? (Сколько в нем комнат? А этажей? ) Can you tell me something about the room i will live in? (Можете мне рассказать что-нибудь о комнате, в которой я буду жить? ) What will we do on your farm?(Что мы будем делать на Вашей ферме? ) Will you let me help you? (Разрешите ли Вы мне Вам? ) Do you have horses? Will you let me feed them? (У Вас есть лошади? Разрешите ли Вы мне кормить их? ) What other intresting things can we do on your farm? (Чем еще интересным мы можем заняться на Вашей ферме? " I`m waiting for the next friday so much! Hope it will come soon! (Я очень жду следующей пятницы! Надеюсь она скоро настанет!)
Space! This one word is bewitching. When I was little, I never dreamed of becoming an astronaut, like many children. But space has always attracted my attention. I tried to see something fabulous and amazing. Sometimes it was a wish. My childhood consciousness already believed in this sincerely.
Now I began to understand a little, read literature and draw information from the Internet. Everything related to space is mysterious. How many planets have we not yet discovered? Is there life on them? Perhaps we are not alone in the universe? Know it as soon as possible and as soon as possible ... I know the cosmos! These were great people. Many studies have no limits. You can endlessly conquer space, to study more and more incredible facts.
We can imagine that our civilization has been studying space for a century. Perhaps we will make travels around the planets, as in science fiction films and communicate with our inhabitants ...? I am just sure that our consciousness is completely and completely impossible to study. It attracts not only my attention, but also the attention of everyone on earth. After all, everything that is unknown is interesting!