and a Dog Once upon a time there was a horse whose name was Reginald.Every morning he was delivering milk, he usually met his friend Blackie, who was a little black dog. Reginald didn’t want to be a milkman’s horse.He wanted to be a racehorse and win the Derbi. And Blackie, who had rather short legs, wanted to be able to run very fast, like a hound. One afternoon they were sitting in Reginald’s stable.Suddenly Blackie said that he had, an idea. «Why do we not eat coal?» — he said. «Trains eat coal a run fast.»
They thought about this for a long time, and at last Reginald said: «Let’s try it,» So they went down to the coal cellar. They were going to take some some coal, when Mrs Marry, the landlady, came in. «What! You are stealing my coal!» — she began to cry, and she picked up a piece of coal and threw it at them.They ran away. They had never run so fast in their lives before. Just then the Mayor was looking out of the window. «Oh, that horse can run fast I’m sure it can win the Derby, look at the dog; it’s a real hound I’ll give them each a medal.» And he did.
Дружина для перенесення є конкурс, в якому чоловіки конкуренти гонки в той час як кожен з яких несе жіночу товариша по команді. Мета полягає в тому для чоловіка, щоб нести жінку через спеціальну смугу перешкод доріжки в найкоротші терміни. Цей вид спорту вперше був введений в Sonkajärvi, Фінляндія.Існує кілька типів перенесення може бути реалізовано на практиці: контрейлерних, перенесення пожежного (через плече), або естонському стилі (дружина висить догори-вниз з її ноги навколо плечей чоловіка, тримаючись за талію).
1 every day she washes dishes
2 i broke my plate
3 my mom bought a new spoons
4 i eat fish with a fork
5 I don't have time to wash every single glass.