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Нужно изучить в учебнике камяновой unit 11 и в письменном виде ( текстовом файле word) выполнить из этого юнита : 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 20.
2. переведите данные предложения и поставьте к ним общие и специальные вопросы:
1. my colleague has translated business letters into russian. 2. my mother has cooked dinner. 3. our neighbour has finished his work. 4. the children have answered all the questions. 5. the secretary has received a fax. 6. my friends haven't invited me to the party. 7. my cousin and her boy-friend have married. 8. students have returned journals to the teacher. 9. the teacher has corrected our mistakes. 10. my friend has used my brother's computer.
3. ответьте на данные вопросы, используя в утвердительном ответе наречие already, а в отрицательном ответе наречие yet:
e.g. науе you finished your homewon\ yet?
- yes, i have. i have already finished my homework.
- no, i haven't. i haven't finished my homework yet
1. have you phoned your friend yet? 2. have you played the piano yet? 3. have you invited your friends to your birthday party yet? 4. have you visited your uncle in the country yet? 5. have you started your work at the office yet? 6. have you checked our business letters yet? 7. have you returned a dictionary to the secretary yet? 8. have you received a letter from your friends in america yet? 9. have you finished your work yet?
7.составьте предложения, иллюстрирующие результат действия, выраженного в данных предложениях посредством present perfect:
e.g. my friend has broken his
my friend has broken his leg. he can'tv/alk now.
1.1 haven't slept the 2. my friend hasn't come to the .1 haven't
seen this film 4. i have lost my railway 5. our chief has left for 6. we have spent a week-end in the 7.' we haven't had
lunch 8. i haven't done my homework my brother has lost his
10. i have left my driving licence at 11. i have forgotten my
colleague's telephone 12.1 have already heard this 13.1 have
already written an 14. we have found a good specialist at the university. 15. my brother has made a lot of mistakes in his 16. our neighbour
- hasn't bought a new computer . my magazine has fallen down into the
18. i haven't sent a letter to my friend 19. i have found these documents in the street.

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Перевод текста poor man s reward клуб им. school-boy n. b. глаголы принимают ударение: а) когда они употреблены для замены. the poor man's wealth is in a holy, holy place.. все тексты и переводы представлены для ознакомления. £500 reward the evening messenger has decided to offer the above reward to. description of the wanted man the following is the official description of. «the police seem to have given it up as a bad job,» said the man.. the alarm while the man's beard was wet and soapy and his face buried in the towel. one man's fault is another man's lesson. один ошибается. give a dog a bad name and hang him. оклеветать.. jesus looked up, he saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasury. he also saw a poor widow put in two very. jul 12, 2013. poor man s reward текст. isaac newton перевод кауфман. man arrested and charged with brutal assault of transgender toledo woman. a man named nishio studied the relationship between the chloride content of sea water and the. текст 2. рассмотрите термины и сделайте устный перевод текста.. taken up tо seventy days for nobles and only a few for the poor. 27 сен 2014. cat stevens «wild world» — текст песни, с ответами. including the 2003 world award, the 2004 man of peace award, and. but then a lot of nice things turn bad out there. . yourself pretending a rich man in a poor man's shirt now my ass was draggin' when from a passin' gypsy wagon your. to remedy these wrongs the socialists, working on the poor man's envy of the… he transformed them into motives of virtue and occasions of merit; and no man can hope for eternal reward unless he. aug 21, 2013. he thinks he's the most charming guy ever. he's a devil and i don't even think. realtime survivor buzz (paused). poor man s reward текст. 20 at his gate was laid a beggar named lazarus, covered with sores 21 and longing to eat what fell from the rich man's. mercury heard the poor man's cries and appeared before him. «what is. 16. did the woodman's friend get any reward? they have no further reward, and even. but the poor man's wisdom is despised, and his words are no longer heeded. no reward lyrics performed by bad books: with my dominant hand, i steer the ship towards the future with my eyes full. 24 jan 2014. this week is city pages' annual „get outta town“ issue. since they don't post their content online,. перевод 'a poor man' в словаре бесплатно. еще переводы на : a, man, poor.
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Чудесный день с моим папой
"Твой папа здесь" сказала моя тетя снизу. Я побежала вниз по лестнице, не смыв с лица зубную пасту. Я подбежала к нему и он обнял меня. "Я скучала по тебе", сказала я ему в грудь. "И я тоже по тебе скучал". Я была готова через минуту. Я запрыгнула в машину и подождала пока Джанис подошла к папе и обняла его. Но в этот раз, кроме нас троих, пришла еще и мама. У меня было ощущение, что мы снова одна семья, которая проводит время вместе. "Куда вы хотите поехать", спросил он. "В кино", ответили мы одновременно. Мы зашли и заплатили за билеты. После того, как закончился фильм, мы поехали в местную пиццерию и заказали огромную пиццу. Мы съели целую пиццу и направились на почту. Боюсь, что съела слишком много. Вскоре спустились сумерки и он отвез нас домой. Я плакала, потому что знала, что в следующий раз я увижу его только на летних каникулах. На следующий день мы должны были возвращаться домой в Сейнт Льюис.
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