Present Simple:
But you must help me.
You must know that by now.
But I must do as father says.
You must tell me!
I must apologize for Dulce.
You must please excuse me
We must have breakfast first.
"This is what you must do," said Boris.
That must be very interesting
I must go now to see my garden.
Past Simple:
Students had to wear uniform
She had to Learn English
They had to use mobile
You had to Operate Computer
They had to clean
I had to talk with him
She had to drive a car
They had to listen him
They had to think about her
He had to do job
We had to win
1. Marion proposed that we bought a gift for Jim.
2. Why did the travel agent recommend me in such a tone?.
3. If I were in the post office five minutes earlier, I would have witnessed the robbery.
16. I wish I could invite more people to my fancy dress party last week.
4. If I were not afraid of heights, I would try parachuting.
5. Even if you let her make her own decisions, she will never learn.
6. We’d better take some money for a taxi in case we miss the last bus home.
7. Oh, if only you were as you used to be.
8. I wish you to turn the radio down.
9. I would not tell you anything even if I could remember the facts.
10. It seemed as if he had not understood the question.
11. I’d rather you do not drive so fast, Nick.
12. The soup would have tasted better if you had not put so much pepper in it.
13. It’s high time you to go and to leave me in peace.
14. Long live May Day!
15. She is afraid lest she should find a taxi.