1. The boy’s name was Percy. 2. He never went to bed on time. 3. He liked to sit by the fireplace and listen to his mother’s fairy tales. 4. He didn’t want to go to sleep too early. 5. They argued about it every day. 6. One day mother left Percy sitting alone by the fire. 7. She said that the Old Fairy would come and take him because he didn’t listen to his mother. 8. But Percy wasn’t afraid of old fairies.
The major forms of environmental pollution include:
Air pollution, introduced by chemicals or other harmful materials emitted into the Earth’s atmosphere. This type of pollution causes human illnesses and damages living organisms.Water pollution, introduced by water bodies’ contamination. Oceans, seas, rivers and lakes are full of pollutants which kill whole biological communities. This kind of environmental pollution is linked with to health issues in the life of humans, animals and plants. Most problems are caused by raw sewage running into stream waters, industrial waste, radiation spills, illegal dumping of chemical substances, etc.Soil pollution, introduced by the presence of human-made chemicals in natural soil. This contamination is mainly caused by industrial and agricultural activity. Land pollution can be well caused by acid rains, deforestation, nuclear wastes or accidental spills.Radioactive pollution, introduced by undesired presence of radioactive substances in liquids, gases, human body, solids or on surfaces. Such contamination is a real hazard, as it affects people, animals, and plants. It results from 20th century activities connected with nuclear weapon testing.Noise pollution, introduced by excessive noise, which harms the balance of human life. Today there are so many different machines and motor vehicles that outdoor noise becomes simply unbearable and dangerous for health. Noise pollution can cause a rise in blood pressure, an increase in stress and even permanent hearing loss.Visual pollution, introduced by an aesthetic issue, which brings negative changes to the environment. Examples of visual pollution include too many billboards, tall skyscrapers blocking the scenery, graffiti or tree carvings, space debris, etc.Light pollution, introduced by excessive artificial light. Street lamps or simply unnecessary lights around the houses can cause light pollution, as they use more energy than needed. It affects human health and sleep cycle.Thermal pollution, introduced by degradation of water quality and the increase of its temperature caused by human activity. For example, lakes warm up because of nearby manufacturing.