1. Various kinds of sports are popular in Russia. 2. Both children and grown-ups are fond of sports. 3. What is the matter with her? She is so excited. -- I do not know. 4. Where are you going? - - I am going to the Dynamo stadium to see the match which takes place there today. 5. Did you know that ^ very interesting match takes place last Sunday? 6. He went to the south a week ago, 7. When I was about fifteen years old, I enjoied playing football. 8. Our football team won many games last year. 9. Where is Boris? - He is playing chess with his friend. 10. I am sorry I missed the match yesterday. But I know the score. It is 4 to 2 in favour of the Spartak team. 11. Nellie will leave for Moscow tomorrow, 12.1 am in a hurry. My friends is waiting for me. 13. You was at the theatre yesterday. Do you like the opera? — Oh yes, I enjoy it greatly. 14. Are you going to London next summer?
The lecturer said market (had stopped) long before being a geographic site where goods (were bought and sold). He (characterized) markets as arrangements through which goods (are sold) to those people who (need) them. It was written in the book that some forms of money (had been used) by man from early times. In 1968, the British Parliament (passed) the Trade Descriptions Act imposing limitations on information that a firm (could give) to the public In its advertisements. Before the Act the firms (had) a larger freedom in advertising activity. The Prime Minister said the monthly pension (would have grown) two times by the end of the year.