очень Используйте Past Indefinite или Past Perfect вместо инфинитивов в
1. Miss Karlson (to say) that she (to be) in this city.
2. The doctor (to arrive) when we already (to help) him.
3. When the police (to arrive), the car (to go).
4. George (to finish) doing his homework at eight o'clock.
5. When she (to get) to the shop, it (to close).
6. The train (to leave) when he (to come) to the station.
7. We (to eat) everything by the time he (to arrive) at the party.
8. I (to know) that he (not to learn) the poem.
9. When they (to leave) the beach, the rain already (to start).
10. Arthur (not to know) that we already (to arrive).
Общий вопрос - Must every pupil study well at school? (Yes, he must. No,he mustn't.) Должен ли каждый ученик хорошо учиться в школе?
Альтернативный вопрос - Must every pupil study well at school or have much fun after school? - Каждый ученик должен учиться хорошо в школе или веселиться после школы?
Специальный вопрос - What must every pupil do well at school? Что каждый ученик должен делать хорошо в школе?
Разделительный вопрос - Every pupil must study well at school, mustn't he? Каждый ученик должен хорошо учиться в школе, не так ли?
Вопрос к подлежащему - Who must study well at school? Кто должен хорошо учиться в школе?