Could your Computer harm you? Yes. Our computer can harm us if you look at it too long. You can't look too closely at the screen. The computer is bad for the spine. Long-term work in the same position causes a load on the same muscle group. At the same time, there is no load on the back muscles!
Может ли ваш компьютер причинить вам вред
Может ли ваш компьютер причинить вам вред? Да. Наш компьютер может навредить нам, если вы смотрите на него слишком долго. Нельзя слишком близко смотреть в экран. Компьютер вреден для позвоночника. Длительная работа в одной и той же позе вызывает нагрузку на одну и ту же группу мышц. При этом на мышцы спины никакой нагрузки нет!
1) All the major stations were searched. 2) Commuter services were seriously disrupted by the bomb. 3) The losses suffered by bussiness and industry were estimated by experts at $50 million. 4) All mainline railway stations had to be closed. 5) No casualties have been reported. 6) A bomb was said to have been planted at one of the main railway stations. 7) How can the rail network be protected? 8) Complete safety cannot be guaranteed. 9) The flash could be seen for miles. 10) The train could have been blown up.
Dear , Thank you for you letter. I was very glad to get it. It's wonderful that you like reading. Reading is my hobby too. My parents don't influence my choice of books at all. They are happy that I perfer reading to playing computer games. My favourite genre is science fiction. I am crazy about astronauts, travelling in the open space and aliens. You know, it is not difficult to get a new book nowadays. I take books in the library, we exchange books at school or I read them on-line. Don't argue with your parents, they want you to be clever and well-read! Sorry, I must fly now. I have to walk my dog.
Could your Computer harm you? Yes. Our computer can harm us if you look at it too long. You can't look too closely at the screen. The computer is bad for the spine. Long-term work in the same position causes a load on the same muscle group. At the same time, there is no load on the back muscles!
Может ли ваш компьютер причинить вам вредМожет ли ваш компьютер причинить вам вред? Да. Наш компьютер может навредить нам, если вы смотрите на него слишком долго. Нельзя слишком близко смотреть в экран. Компьютер вреден для позвоночника. Длительная работа в одной и той же позе вызывает нагрузку на одну и ту же группу мышц. При этом на мышцы спины никакой нагрузки нет!