One day ago, my friend Olga called me to invite me to a party. She said that we would play table games and dance a lot. Yesterday, she phoned me again because she knew that I might forget. I gave her a promise, and I kept my word. Today is the party. I feel it will be much fun. I will take many photos!
I learn English by books. When I see the text I remember it better. I write down unknown words and learn them so that I'll know more. I want to learn grammar by heart so that I'll be able to explain my opinion easily and correctly. I think that the most effective way to learn English is to learn it in countries where this language is native. That's the way you can quickly and easily improve your language level because in places with only english speaking people, you'll need to quickly react and talk in english. In this year I'll look after my grammar and speaking skills.
Казахстан является самым крупным государством в Центральной Азии . Казахстан граничит с Китаем, Россией , Туркменистаном,Узбекистана и Киргизией.Существуют длинные границы береговой линии. Каспийское море находится на юго-западе. Площадь Казахстана составляет 2.753.000 квадратных километров. Население составляе около 16 миллионов человек. Население живет в основном в городах и в крупных селах.Самые крупные города Алмата, Астана, Караганда, Шымкент,Павлодар. Астана является столицей республики. Астана находится в центре страны. В Казахстане Являются 11000рек и ручьев, более7000 озер.Четыре реки являются основными ресурсами воды страны.
One day ago, my friend Olga called me to invite me to a party. She said that we would play table games and dance a lot. Yesterday, she phoned me again because she knew that I might forget. I gave her a promise, and I kept my word. Today is the party. I feel it will be much fun. I will take many photos!