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Over the years scientists have invented a great number of things, which we now use in everyday life, for example, computers, printing machines, telephones, radio, television, automobiles, photography, electricity, steam engine, planes etc. One of the most useful and handy devices today is the computer. It is a comparatively new invention, which came into use in the 20th century. However, the form of computer was designed already in the mid- 1830s by the British mathematician Charles Babbage. Today, people simply can’t imagine their lives without computers. There is a whole generation which has grown up with calculators, computer games, word processor, Internet and else.

Another vital device is the TV. This invention has truly changed the leisure habits of millions of people worldwide. Television was pioneered in the 1920s by Scottish electrical engineer John Logie Baird. He was the first to realize that light could be converted into electrical impulses, which are then transmitted over a distance. Electricity, perhaps, is even more important. We wouldn’t be able to use computers and TVs without it. The invention of electricity dates back to the 19th century and is connected with such renowned names as Michael Faraday, Alessandro Volta, Humphry Davy and Andre Marie Ampere. For the invention of telephones we should be grateful to Alexander Graham Bell. He is an Edinburgh-born scientist who patented the invention of telephone in 1876. A year later a great American scientist Thomas Edison produced the first working telephone.

The invention of different types of transport has also changed the world, for example, airplanes and motor cars. Planes have brought distant lands within easy reach of ordinary people. American-born Wright brothers were the first to make the flight in 1903. The first petrol-driven car was produced in 1885 by the German engineer Carl Benz. Whether we like them or not, cars have given people great freedom of travel


За багато років вчені винайшли велику кількість того, що ми зараз використовуємо в повсякденному житті, наприклад, комп'ютери, друкарські машинки, телефони, радіо, телебачення, автомобілі, фотографію, електрику, паровий двигун, літаки і т.д. Одним з найбільш корисних і зручних пристроїв на сьогоднішній день є комп'ютер. Це порівняно новий винахід, яке увійшло в побут у 20-му столітті. Однак зовнішній вигляд комп'ютера був розроблений ще в середині 1830-х років британським математиком Чарльзом Беббідж. Сьогодні, люди просто не можуть уявити своє життя без комп'ютерів. Існує ціле покоління, яке виросло на калькуляторах, комп'ютерних іграх, текстових редакторах, інтернеті та інше.

Іншим важливим пристроєм є телевізор. Цей винахід дійсно змінило звички проведення часу мільйонів людей по всьому світу. Телевізор був вперше введений в 1920-х роках шотландським інженером-електриком Джоном Список Бердом. Він був першим, хто зрозумів, що світло може бути перетворений в електричні імпульси, які потім передаються на відстань. Електрика, мабуть, ще більш важливо. Ми не змогли б використовувати комп'ютери і телевізори без нього. Винахід електрики сходить до 19 століття і пов'язане з такими відомими іменами, як Майкл Фарадей, Алессандро Вольта, Хемфрі Деві і Андре Марі Ампер. За винахід телефонів ми повинні бути вдячні Олександру Грехему Беллу. Він вчений, що народився в Единбурзі, який запатентував винахід телефону в 1876 році. Рік по тому великий учений американського походження Томас Едісон випустив перший робочий телефон.

Винахід різних видів транспорту також змінило світ, наприклад, літаків і автомобілів. Літаки зробили далекі землі близькими для звичайних людей. Народились в Америці брати Райт були першими, хто здійснив політ в 1903 році. Перший бензиновий автомобіль був проведений в 1885 році німецьким інженером Карлом Бенцем. Подобається нам це чи ні, але автомобілі дали людям велику свободу пересування.

4,7(84 оценок)
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Упр. 54. Преобразуйте предложения в косвенную речь. 

1. Joe said to Lisa if she will take this brown sweater. Lisa said that she would not. 
2. She said is I can come and see her today. — I said that I couldn’t. 
3. They said that they had forgotten to phone their friend. 
4. Barry said that he is going to the cinema straight from work. Barry said if Ann would go with him. Ann said that she had seen this film twice. 
5. The girl asked how much this dress cost. 
6. My sister said that she could give me her dictionary if I need it. — I thanked her and said that I had got mine. 
7. Mother said to help her with the dishes. Kate agreed. 
8. My brother said to stay home because his favourite TV programme was on”. 
9. Father said to his son to read this book and it would be interesting for him”. 
10. The old man said to me what I think if the weather would be like tomorrow. 
11. Eva said why they had not come yet. 
12. Barry said that they had already been to this museum. Barry said to go to the new art gallery.
4,4(96 оценок)

Tango no Sekku is celebrated on May 5th. In Japan, this day is called Boys’ Festival. It’s been celebrated for over a millennium. Originally it was celebrated in the houses of warriors. It celebrated boys’ courage and determination. Many of the symbols of this day are about having the character of a warrior. Eventually this day became important to all households in Japan with boys.

After WWII, Boys’ Day became toned down. This holiday officially became known as Children’s Day or Kodomo no hi. It’s supposed to be a day to celebrate the health and happiness of all children. But many people still see it as Boys’ Festival.

Large carp windsocks, called koinobori, are displayed outside houses of families with boys. There’s one windsock for each boy in the house. The largest windsock is for the oldest son of the house.

The carp is a symbol of Tango no Sekku, because carp are considered strong and determined. They’re able to swim upstream against the flow of the water. This is a day for families to celebrate their sons’ strength and character.

Warrior dolls and helmets, armor and swords are also displayed in houses with boys.

The symbolic flower of Tango no Sekku is a type of iris called shobu. The shobu has long leaves that resemble swords. Boys traditionally take shobu leaf baths on this day. The shobu is so important on this day that sometimes the festival is called Shobu no Sekku or Iris Festival.

One traditional food eaten on this day is kashiwa mochi. It’s a rice cake steamed with sweet beans and wrapped in an oak leaf. Another traditional food is chimaki, which is rice wrapped in bamboo leaves.

4,7(5 оценок)
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