Business communication plays an important role in human life. The main objective of business communication is productive cooperation. The most important thing is to know how to communicate. Communication is necessary not only to present its point of view orally or in writing, but also to perceive other people's opinions. Just can not forget about the appearance, because it creates the first impression. For example, for an interview, you don't come in shorts, shirt and sneakers, because the employer will understand that you don't know the basics of business communication. If your life involves important work and especially work with people, you should wear classic outfits: white shirt, black skirt, and shoes. Ignorance of such important factors in business communication can lead to awkward situations. I advise you to study some aspects of business communication.
Летом Саймон любит навещать свою бабушку.Она живет на ферме. У нее большой опрятный дом. Он старый, но симпатичный. В нем три спальни, гостинная, кладовая , большая кухня и прихожая. Каждый день Саймон бабушке убирать комнаты и поливать цветы. Когда жарко и солнечно Саймон любит плавать и нырять в реке. Он любит ездить верхом на лошади, запускать воздушного змея и устраивать с бабушкой пикник. Когда идет дождь он может рисовать картины в своей собственной комнате, смотреть телевизор или читать книги в гостинной. Иногда он играет в прятки с бабушкой дома. Это очень интересно! Сегодня погода плохая. Дождливо и облачно. Холодно. Саймон не может пойти на прогулку. Бабушка занята. По утрам она ходит за покупками. Саймон сейчас один. Ему грустно. Саймон не хочет читать или рисовать. Он хочет поиграть с кем-нибудь. Но внезапно раздаётся: " Мяу Мяу Мяу " - О, что это?
"What does Simon like to do on the farm?"- Simon likes to swim and dive in the river. He likes to ride a horse, fly a kite and have a picnic with his granny.
The main objective of business communication is productive cooperation. The most important thing is to know how to communicate. Communication is necessary not only to present its point of view orally or in writing, but also to perceive other people's opinions. Just can not forget about the appearance, because it creates the first impression. For example, for an interview, you don't come in shorts, shirt and sneakers, because the employer will understand that you don't know the basics of business communication. If your life involves important work and especially work with people, you should wear classic outfits: white shirt, black skirt, and shoes.
Ignorance of such important factors in business communication can lead to awkward situations. I advise you to study some aspects of business communication.