Образование Present Perfect:
have / has + V3
have - I, you, we, they
has - he, she, it
1) The hurricane has destroyed the town.
2) The group has just arrived at Honolulu airport.
3) Jeremy has joined the rescue team to help people after the earthquake.
4) The rangers from the group have helped the injured.
5) Forest fires have not occurred in the area since last year.
6) Their house has collapsed because of the flood.
7) There has never been such a terrible natural disaster there for 2 years already.
8) Volunteers from all parts of the country have come here.
9) There has not been running water since the flood.
10) His family has survived in the tsunami.
Раскройте скобки (согласование времен)
was loved, hated hadn't seen would finish would attend, took placeЗамените прямую речь косвенной
The fireman asked me what the cause of the fire was.Sam asked them not to ask him such silly questions.Jill asked her if she agreed with their decision.They tell me they have been married four years.The policeman asked me whom I had seen the day before in that street.Замените модальные глаголы их эквивалентами
We aren't able to buy a new car.Mike is allowed to take my laptop computer for a couple of hours.She is to be at the office at 9 a.m.You didn't have to paper the walls (yesterday).He wasn't able to get the tickets last week.Раскройте скобки в условных предложениях
If he practices all day, he will become a champion.Tom wouldn't eat much "fast food" if his wife cooked at home.If Mum hadn't open the windows, our room wouldn't have been full of mosquitoes.I would go to the police if I were you.We wouldn't have got wet if you had taken an umbrella.1. The moon is beautiful tonight.
2. the Kurzanov Family visited us yesterday.
3. This is miss Jones, she's a doctor.
4. If you feel bad, go see a doctor
5. Take the ball that has Ronaldo's autograph on it.
6. We do exercises in the morning.
7. Thank you, mom, the dinner was very delicious.
8. Remember that the healthy should take care of the sick.
9. I love the Carpathians in summer.
10. I would like to live near the don.
11. Do you know Tom brown?
12. The third task is the translation of the text.
13. He has never been to the US.
14. He said that he saw a hedgehog yesterday.
15. How do you like the Mediterranean?
1) The hurricane has destroyed the town.
2) The group has just arrived at Honolulu airport.
3) Jeremy has joined the rescue team to help people after the earthquake.
4) The rangers from the group have helped the injured.
5) Forest fires haven't to occurred in the area since last year.
6) Their house has collapsed because of the flood.
7) There has never been such a terrible natural disaster there for 2 years