This article argues that human/dog co-habitation and the interspecies routines of walking, eating, sleeping and the emotions they create, can be fruitfully analyzed through the conceptual frame built from ‘intimacy’ and ‘rhythm’. The rhythmic analytical approach to interspecies routines, including breaks in them and the emotions these breaks create, contributes with a spatio-temporal understanding of human/animal intimacy. As intimacy is inherently a spatial phenomenon, it creates places. Intimate social relations also transform and get transformed by places. ‘Home’ is the typical example, where the iconic emplaced attachment of intimacy with the family is manifested. But the place itself does not create intimacy; instead, it is situationally formed through relations between, in this case, interspecies practices and space. By theorizing auto-ethnographical observations of everyday human/dog routines, the article explores intimacy as a particular social form. Building on recent developments in cultural geography in the field of ‘rhythm analysis,’ it is argued that while intimacy is performed in everyday life, it is foremost produced though 'arrhythmia,' in the moments when the routines are broken.
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1. The price of bread is going up…in many shops.
2. The meat is bad. It's probably gone…off .
3. The prices of Halloween decorations have gone …up..since last year.
4. Nick is sad. He is going… through a very difficult time.
5. The fox went…after .the hare.
6. How long can camels go…without water?
7. Ann gloves go with…her bag.
8. Mark has gone through…..a lot since his car accident.
9. The police officer went after…the robber yesterday.
10. Dick went… down with… the flu so he stayed at home.
11. This tie goes….. with…. your shirt very well.
12. People can go…through without .water for about three days.
13. The rhino went….after our car in jungle.
Unfortunately children are so …… IMPATIENT
Don’t play cards with him. He is ……. DISHONEST
I …..eggs. I can’t stand the way they smell. DISLIKE
Our mother was disappointed to learn we were … school yesterday. MISBEHAVING
He stared at us in….. as we told him what happened. UNBELIEF
We didn’t noticed his……. DISAPPEARENCE
There are a lot of …..of travelling by ship. DISADVANTAGE
There is always……between children and parents, because of the generation gap. MISUNDERSTANDING
Bob can’t find his keys. Perhaps he has….them. MISPLACED
Teens in America are often rude and…..their teachers. DISRESPECT