УПРАЖНЕНИЯя НА ПЕРВИЧНОЕ ЗАКРЕПЛЕНИЕ ГРАММАТИЧЕского МАТЕРИАЛА 1. Отработайте чтение следующих предложений, обратите вниманне на употребление модального глагола must и оборота to have to (to have got to). (S 52, crp. 575) A. I. All 'children must t go to school.) You must 'do it at once. 2. They must 'go and 'see his pictures, too. I You must 'come and 'see our t new flat. I 3. Go there if you must. I 4. 'Must I 'go there at Jonce?| Shall I "bring the 'book to fmorrow? | 5. You 'mustn't 'go out. | B. 1. His 'wife has to t stay at thome with their 'little 169 son. I I've 'got to go now. I 2. 'What does he 'have to 'do next? | ( 'What has he 'got to 'do next? ) 3. They 'needn't do it.I 4. I 'had to 'stay at home. 'Did you 'have to t get 'up Jearly?} He 'didn't 'have to repeat his question. I 5. I 'think you should 'go f out for a walk every evening. I 6. They 'shouldn't 'speak about it now. I