I. Try to derive the meanings of the words formed from the same root
a) consume-consumer – consumption-consuming- assume-
b) contribute-contribution-distribution-attribute-attributive
II. Mind the pronunciation ofabbreviations in English:
e.g - Latin: exempli gratia - English: for example-Russian:
i.e. - Latin: id est - English: that is – Russian: To eCT
etc. - Latin: et cetera-English: etc. - Russian: H Tak dajee
III. Words ofLatin origin are known to form plural in a special way
typical of the language of origin. Remember some ofthem:
Singular: Plural: Singular: Plural:
bacterium-bacteria criterion- criteria
datum-data formula-formulae
medium-media fungus - fungi
5- salt
She is a great cook. She is / can cook very well.
Look! Nancy is swim / swimming.
Is / Can he ride a bike?
We don’t need much / many sugar.
Do we need many / much mangoes for the fruit salad?
There are a lot of / much oranges in the basket.
Alan always is watching / watches TV in the evening.
Diane is in her room now. She reads / is reading comics.
You must / mustn’t do your homework.
You must / mustn’t go to bed late.
A) A postamn works in a post office. He takes letters to to people’s houses
B) A waiter works in a cafe. He serves people
C) I usually go to the park once a week.
D)Does he sometimes wash the dishes?
E) Was Paul at school yesterday?
An elephant is shorter than a giraffe.
A monkey is funnier than a gorilla.
The children watched a film last weekend.
Sue cooked supper an hour ago.
She didn't visit the zoo on Saturday.
Did Ben wash the dishes in the morning?
Bob is the best student in my class.
Julie is shier than Clara.