Today the Press Service of The Ministry of Civil Defence, Emergencies and Disaster Relief for our region has revealed the cause of the fire that broke out in the hotel in Chekhov Street last week. The first call was received at 10.45 pm. 247 people were evacuated. The fire was extinguished by 11.55 pm and no one was hurt. The fire was caused by a cigarette butt carelessly left in one of the hotel rooms on the second floor.
Сегодня пресс-служба МЧС нашего региона сообщила причину пожара, который вспыхнул в гостинице на улице Чехова на неделе. Первый звонок был получен в 10.45. Было эвакуировано 247 человек. Пожар был потушен к 11.55, никто не пострадал. Причиной пожара стал окурок, небрежно оставленный в одном из гостиничных номеров на третьем этаже.
I usually have breakfast at half past seven. I live not far from school. My mother is A teacher of Music and she works in my school, so we often go to school together. My mother is A very good teacher. She can play THE piano, THE violin and THE guitar. She knows a lot about music and she tells many interesting stories about THE composers and THE musicians. THE pupils of our school love her lessons very much. I also like music, but
I am really interested in sport. I attend THE tennis club and have trainings three times A week: on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. My dream is to become THE best tennis player in our city and I work hard to make my dream come true.