Andre Asiman (born January 2, 1951) is an American writer, best known for his novel Call Me With Your Name (2007).
Andre Asiman was born in Alexandria, an ancient port city in northern Egypt, into a wealthy Sephardic family of the owner of a knitwear factory, Henri Asiman and his wife Regina.
In America, Andre Asiman earned a bachelor's degree in English and Literature from Lehman College in the Bronx, New York, followed by a Master's and PhD in Literature at Harvard.
After this, Asiman taught literary work at New York University, French literature at Princeton and Bard College. At present, Asiman teaches the history of literature theory at the graduate school of the City University of New York and conducts a special course on Marcel Proust.
Call Me by Your Name is a novel by American writer Andre Asiman, first published in 2007. The novel tells of a love affair between an intellectually developed off-year 17-year-old American-Italian Jewish youth and a 24-year-old American researcher of Jewish descent in the 1980s in Italy.
The story is on behalf of Elio Perlman, recalling the events of the summer of 1983, when he was seventeen years old, and he lived in Italy with his parents, who every summer for six weeks invited a doctoral student who was engaged not only in the manuscript of his work, but also helping his father Elio with scientific materials. Elio opposes this order of things, since he has to free his bedroom for the guest during his stay.
This book undoubtedly won me over. From the first lines this story fascinated. I really liked to watch the naive and somewhere very serious behavior of the teenager Elliot, and restrained, filled with cold prudence Oliver. Of course, the book is not suitable for those who are not imbued with such a delicate theme as same-sex love. But she definitely deserves to be given attention.
В общем, суть в том, чтобы выбрать книгу и рассказать о ней ответив на вопросы.
Как понимаю нужно в виде небольшого сочинения на английском.
1. We were sure of our colleague not having kept the word
2. We did not mind your having arrived 2 days later
3. I did not regret doctor prescribing me this medicine
4. Pur secretary complained ous of boss having refused to renew her contract
5. We suspected this man of having stolen our things
6. My friend did not agree to(to нужно писать по правилу) going to the exhibition with me? I believe that she will forgive me
7. How did you avoid having got to the accident?
8. We congratulated our friend on having written a wonderful book
9. These people did not deny having collected information about our boss
12. I thought of your not having packed your luggage on time and we will miss the tain
13. Why were not you praised that you succeed in having signed a contract&
14. We did not blame this man for having changed his lifestyle
Извини, что не перевела 10 и 11 фразу, не очень корректно звучит
Удачи с английским!
Буду рада, если отметишь ответ лучшим
2. should
6. shouldn’t, should
7. should