November 7th
I worked in the garden for about 2 hours.
Suddenly I felt that someone was looking at me. I felt uncomfortable, and fear appeared in my heart. At first, I thought my mother was calling for dinner. When I turned back, I screamed out in fear. The creature was not like a human or animal. It was covered with thick hair. For a start, I thought it was a monkey, but when I looked closer, I realized that this monster was much larger. His incredible big eyes scared me. Hearing my cry, the creature disappeared. I could not understand what it was. Just at this time, my sister ran to me. I told her everything I saw, but she only laughed and said that this was the result of my fantasies. She was sure that there could not be such a creature in their garden. But believe me, I am telling the truth.
John Thorpe wanna to go out in his carriage