Ialways admire the people who can dance. Many years ago I chose dancing as my main hobby. And now it is my real passion, I can’t imagine my life without it.
I have been dancing since I was 7. I have tried a lot of dance styles: folk dance, elegant ballroom dance, ballet dance and even lively hip-hop and break-dance. I was really fond of slow waltz, tango, rumba, salsa and cha-cha-cha. I liked that all Latin dances were hot and optimistic. And I’m sure everyone knows that ballroom costumes are fabulous and you look marvelous in them. It goes without saying that quite a lot depends on your partner. As for my partner, he was great. Our couple participated in different dance contests and concerts which gave us lots of pleasant memories and positive experience.
Now I am keen on jazz dances. This style is widely used in Broadway shows and musical comedies such as “Chicago” and “Cabaret”. And it has become very popular in our country in recent years. I attend my dance classes 3 times a week. My choreographer is a skilled and talented person. The art of dancing inspires me. I feel very confident and happy after the classes. They give me an ocean of emotions, confident bearing, grace, co-ordination and balance. I enjoy jazz because I find the body movements very beautiful and rhythmic. I can express my feelings with the help of them. Jazz dancing is like original non-verbal communication for me. Besides, it requires much energy, effort and flexibility. It isn’t an easy style to dance and you should work hard to master it. Sometimes our group takes part in jazz sessions or dance battles. It’s so much fun and excitement.
When I feel sad I just start dancing and improvising. It helps me feel better immediately because every movement and leap, every step and turn makes the world around me brighter. When I dance I forget about everything. So my hobby is my medicine too. And it keeps me physically fit.
Где ты был вчера? Where have you been yesterday? Кто был с тобой? Who was with you? О чем вы говорили? What were you talking about? Кто сказал тебе об этом? Who told you about that? Кому ты сказал об этом? To whom did you tell that? Что он сказал? What did he tell you? Он сказал, что придет? Did he tell you he would come? Были ли новые ученики в группе? Were there any new students in the group? Будут ли новые гостиницы в питере в след. году? Will there be new hotels in St. Petersburg next year? В нашем классе уже 2 года нет двоек? Haven’t there been any bad marks for two years already? Тебе вчера рано пришлось вставать? Did you have to wake up early yesterday? Ты уже видел тот фильм? Have you already seen this film? Вы обедали, кода ни пришел? Were you having a lunch when he came? У тебя есть сестра? Do you have a sister? Много было ошибок в диктанте? Were there lots of mistakes in the dictation? Были какие-то,но не много. There were some, but not many of them. В холодильнике много еды? Are there a lot of food in the fridge? Есть какая-то, но немного. There is some, but not much. Где мама? Where is mom? Она на кухне. She is in the kitchen. Что она делает? What is she doing? Она готовит. She is cooking. Она всегда готовит по утрам. She always cooks in the morning. Посмотри, идет дождь. Look, it’s raining. Здесь всегда идет дождь осенью. It’s always raining here in autumn. Он только что пришел и сейчас переводит текст. He had just come and now he’s translating the text. Он его еще не перевел. He hasn’t translated it yet. Он его переводит с утра. He’s been translating it since morning. У меня красные глаза, потому что я читал всю ночь. My eyes are red because I’ve been reading for the whole night. Где вы вчера были ? Where have you been yesterday? Вчера весь день мы были в библиотеке. We spent the whole day in the library yesterday. Мы весь день работали с текстами. We’ve been working with texts for the whole day. Мы его еще не перевели, хотя переводим уже 2 недели. We haven’t translated it yet although we’ve been translating it for 2 weeks already. Мы приготовили обед к шести часам. We’ve cooked the lunch by 6 o’clock. К концу года я уже буду учить англ. 150 лет. By the end of the year I will have been learning English for 150 years. Если у меня будет время, я тебе позвоню. If I have time I’ll call you. Если я не забуду, я принесу тебе словарь. If I don’t forget I’ll bring you the dictionary. Они поженятся когда закончат университет. They will get married when they finish university. В это время вчера мы сидели в кафе. At that time yesterday we were sitting in the cafe. Вчера я писал доклад, но я его еще не написал. I was writing a report yesterday, but I haven’t written it yet. Он сказал что еще не был в лондоне. He said he had never been to London. он сказал, что к вечеру закончит доклад He said he would have finished the report by the evening. Кем была открыта америка? Who discovered America? / Who was America discovered by? Когда изобрели радио? When the radio was invented? Кем был написан этот текст? Who has written this text? Кого сейчас спрашивают? Who is being asked now? Обед уже приготовлен? Has lunch been already cooked?
лови бро)
Ialways admire the people who can dance. Many years ago I chose dancing as my main hobby. And now it is my real passion, I can’t imagine my life without it.
I have been dancing since I was 7. I have tried a lot of dance styles: folk dance, elegant ballroom dance, ballet dance and even lively hip-hop and break-dance. I was really fond of slow waltz, tango, rumba, salsa and cha-cha-cha. I liked that all Latin dances were hot and optimistic. And I’m sure everyone knows that ballroom costumes are fabulous and you look marvelous in them. It goes without saying that quite a lot depends on your partner. As for my partner, he was great. Our couple participated in different dance contests and concerts which gave us lots of pleasant memories and positive experience.
Now I am keen on jazz dances. This style is widely used in Broadway shows and musical comedies such as “Chicago” and “Cabaret”. And it has become very popular in our country in recent years. I attend my dance classes 3 times a week. My choreographer is a skilled and talented person. The art of dancing inspires me. I feel very confident and happy after the classes. They give me an ocean of emotions, confident bearing, grace, co-ordination and balance. I enjoy jazz because I find the body movements very beautiful and rhythmic. I can express my feelings with the help of them. Jazz dancing is like original non-verbal communication for me. Besides, it requires much energy, effort and flexibility. It isn’t an easy style to dance and you should work hard to master it. Sometimes our group takes part in jazz sessions or dance battles. It’s so much fun and excitement.
When I feel sad I just start dancing and improvising. It helps me feel better immediately because every movement and leap, every step and turn makes the world around me brighter. When I dance I forget about everything. So my hobby is my medicine too. And it keeps me physically fit.